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I searched through my clothes and found a shorter dress, well by shorter I mean it doesn't touch the floor. It was a purplish color with a touch of blue. I headed towards Ciel's study and saw him sitting in his chair. It sounded like he was crying. I quietly walked over and saw him. His face was red and his hair a mess, tears were streaming down his face, and his eyes were closed.

"C-Ciel?" He kept crying almost as if he didn't hear me. "Ciel!" He jumped and took a breath. He leaned towards me and grabbed me.

"Arielle, I-I." he could barely speak. I bent down and held him.

"Ciel? What happened?"

"It's that damn brat." No, no, this it can't be is he really?


"And Elizabeth." he tried to stop crying but failed. I went to wipe his tears but he pushed my hand away. He put his head on my shoulders and fell on top of me. I looked down at him. He needs help. But, Sebastian isn't here. On his desk where letters. They all had seals on them and I could make out a spider and a bow? The letters. they're targeting him now.

"Ciel? What's in those letters?"

"You can look. Just please, stop me from doing anything. I'm begging you."
I tensed. He wants to, to go? No. No! This, this can't be real. This all a nightmare. Oh please. "Arielle, please." I snapped back to this reality and answered him,

"I'll stop you. I promise." I got up cautiously putting Ciel back in his chair and saw a few knives on his desk. I pushed them away from Ciel and looked at the letters. They were from Alois and Elizabeth. The letters were horrible, telling him how useless and pathetic he is, how Elizabeth is against him and in love with Alois, some even just said kill yourself. I looked at them and crumpled them up.

"Arielle?" Ciel sounded concerned. I turned to look at him and let out a small smile.

"Yes, Ciel?"

"I wanted to just kiss you." his face was wet from crying and still red. I blushed and wiped his tears away.

"You don't have to ask." Ciel blushed and looked down. Then he kissed me. We kissed for what seemed like forever and then,

"Young Master! Young Master! The guest has arrived he has!" Mey-Rin burst through the door and looked at us. Her face became red. "should I let him in?"

Ciel pulled away from the kiss and smiled, "Yes Mey-Rin. and bring him here." Mey-Rin nodded and ran out of the study. "Arielle I need to to sit right here." he pointed right next to him and I went and grabbed a chair from the other side of desk and pulled it over. It was very heavy and hard to move but, I got it next to his chair. We looked like the King and Queen.

The door opened and out came a man dressed in a brown trench coat. His face was covered by the collar and his hat. He was tall and some black hair stuck out from underneath the hat. There was a glint in his eye as he entered the study and sat down.

Ciel stared at the man for a while and then shook his head. "Please have a seat, Mr. Lingston." The man sat down and and looked at me.

"Hello there Owllight." I froze. I turned to Ciel but remained calm. How did he know my last name? What else does he know? Does he know about Trancy? The tests? Lingston... that name, I've heard it before. I turned to look at the man. His face remained covered, but he seems to have taken an interest in me.

"Ari? Are you okay?" Whispered Ciel.

"I know him, and not in a good way." I whispered back. Ciel turned to face me.

"What do you mean?"

"Stop your little conversation and speak with your guest! Isn't that what a host should do?" He slammed his fists onto the desk. I cried out.

I stood up and confronted him, " It is you."

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