The First Day

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"Lady Jessica, you will be having breakfast with Young Master today so please sit down." Sebastian was obviously not very pleased with Ciel's decision.

I took a seat at the very end of the table. I could barely see Ciel it was so long. "Jessica, you can sit closer if you like."

"Oh, it's just I don't know what to do at all." I moved my over to next to Ciel when with both heard a LOUD crashing sound.

"Mey-rin, you can't do this everyday."

"I'm sorry, Sebastian. It won't happen again." I could hear a shaky voice that sounded a lot like my room partner. This was Mey-rin.

"Ciel, does this happen every morning?"

"Yes. Did Sebastian tell you about which classes you will be taking today?"


"Did he tell you anything?"

"No, I don't think he likes me that much." I giggled a little. this is so unlike me.

"Hmmm, that's strange. the only person he really doesn't like is Grelle and Lau."

"And me."

He tried to refrain from laughing and he obviously failed. I laughed along with him, when Sebastian came out with breakfast.

"Today's breakfast consists of skillet buttermilk biscuits with butter from Spain with Earl Gray tea."

"Thank you Sebastian" Ciel said to Sebastian. he sounded so professional when he spoke to him. He almost sounded like an adult, but young at the same time.

"Jessica? Are you still there?"

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, I just got distracted that's all." how long has it been?

"Do you like the biscuit?"

"Yes, I do." I took another bite of my biscuit.

"Young master, Lady Jessica, it's time for class." Sebastian called for us.

"Come on Jess." he put out his hand for me and I took it as we went to class.

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