The End

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I burst open the door and the Young Master went ahead of me and straight to Arielle. Claude had moved the now deceased Trancy off of her so that my Young Master could get to her. Claude pulled him into a hall and smiled.

"A-Ari... I love you." Ciel held Arielle in his arms, staining his clothes. Ciel's tears were running down his face as he kissed her, for the last time while she took her last breath.

"I love you Ciel." she smiled and then went limp.

"I-I love you too." Ciel held her closer than ever before, sobbing into her.

I saw Hannah run out and look at my young master, crying and the tears running down Arielle's face. Hannah looked at me, her eyes pleading for me to take young master away form Arielle. I nodded and pulled him away.

"S-SEBASTIAN! PUT ME DOWN!" Young Master screamed and fought back. Sobbing at the sight of Hannah pulling her away. "THAT IS AN ORDER!!!" He couldn't take his eyes off of her. I looked down at my Young Master, he was begging me to let him go.

"I'm sorry Young Master, but I can't obey that order." Young Master's head shot up to look at me in anger.

"Sh-she's g-gone. I-isn't she. Ar-Ari's d-dead. I-I n-need t-to see Arielle. Se-bastian." his eyes filled with more tears and I sighed. Hannah stepped sour form the hall and smiled.

"You may see Arielle now Ciel." I let go of my Young Master and he ran towards her. I went to follow him but Hannah stopped me. "He should be alone with her. Thats what she would've wanted." She smiled even bigger.

"Hannah, what did you do?" She laughed and whispered into my ear.

"She's no longer human." She stepped away and looked back at me one more time. "He can't see her until the same happens to him. I'll keep her hidden in this Manor. I'll be her maid and you just have to make sure Ciel doesn't kill himself." I was shocked, surprised. then it settled in. Young Master isn't going to be with her for years maybe decades. but,

"It's for the best." I looked up at Hannah and smirks softly.

"It is, Sebastian. Trust me." She smiled and turned the corner to where the Young Master went. After a moment she came out with the young master in her arms. Tears were still running down his face as he was out down.

He walked with slow, heavy steps towards me. He was silent the ride home. He was silent until the next morning.

"I love you Ari. I'll love you forever, until I die. I promise." he smiled towards the empty pillow next to him.

And that morning I vowed that Ciel would see Arielle again no matter the cost. Even if it meant death.

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