I Remember

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"Ciel, I-I" My body starts to tremble and shake. My hands are covering my ears and my eyes are closed shut.

"Arielle? A-are you okay?" I hear his voice, his hand reaching to pull me closer to him, to comfort me.

"I-I don't know anymore. I'm such an I-idiot." The words flew from my mouth faster than I could think them through.

"Arielle, I don't think you're an idiot." I pulled myself away from him and faced him.
"You're not, and I know that you're not okay." Tears started to fall.

"I- Ciel...." I burrowed myself into him. I need him. Taking a deep breath, his arms reached around me and pulled me tightly closer to him. a smile crept onto his face.

"I know that you've only been acting strong for me, but that only makes me feel worse. I know you wouldn't want me to act strong for you." He was right. He was always right.

"I love you, Ciel." His chest heated up, his pulse quickened. His face went red as he whispered,

"I love you too." My face went red as a smile crept onto my face. " Jess." I looked up at him as he started to laugh. "I didn't think you would respond to that name anymore."

"I'll respond to your voice." My head was inside of his neck, his legs intertwined with mine.

"Young Master? I brought L- Arielle's tea." Sebastian had opened the door and smiled. He placed the tea onto the cart and left. The cup was heavily decorated with roses and colors.

"T-thank you..." He was so soft, and warm.

"If Arielle has a moment I would like to speak with her." Sebastian looked at me with a smile.

"U-um..." I looked back towards Ciel, begging him to answer for me. He quickly answered him.

"Not right now Sebastian, tomorrow?"

"Yes My Lord." Sebastian's eyes flashed link as he turned and left the room.

My head started to pound again. Just like back when Alois said my name. Memories. They flooded back to me. I closed my eyes tightly to try to hold on to them. All but one left me.

"Ciel, I-I remember something."

He liked at me, eyes wide yet soft. " You do? Do you want to tell me?" I smiled and started the memory.

"It was in the streets of London I was about 7 or 8 when this little boy he came up to me, 'Mommy said I can sleep in her bed tonight! Isn't that great!' he was so small and innocent, not a care in the world. I was running from them looking for help, ' Little boy? Can you take me with you?' He laughed at me. 'what for? You're playing hide and seek! Are you looking for a hiding place?' He was so ignorant too. ' No I'm not. I need help!' I remember the biggest one who kidnapped me grabbed me, right in front of him. 'What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?' I can't remember past that though..." I looked at him and saw him start to cry.

"I remember too."

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