The one?

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~~Jin POV
Being a prince is harder than you'd think. You have a ton of responsibilities and you also have to work on making your parents proud and then you have to look your best everyday. It was a lot for me and I didn't do my best so they kicked me out only temporarily to set my priorities straight. But I'm starting to like this city, being a normal person and having freedom gives me happiness.

I was up all night and I realized I've never talked to my next door neighbor. I heard her eating very faintly and I figured she was getting ready for work so I changed to outside clothes to meet her in the elevator. As I fixed my hair, I heard her door open and I panicked. She finished quickly! I just played with my hair because it was too flat to at least look decent. I opened the door fast as possible and shut it and locked it. The elevator was just about to close but thank god I ran fast enough to hold it open.

As I waited for it to open all the way, I fixed my posture and any piece of clothing if it looked out of place or just weird and fixed my hair because it was in my sight. I got in and stood beside her.
~~Y/n POV
He stood right beside me. I wasn't the best with guys, so I shifted weight and started fidgeting with my hands. I kind of looked over at him looking down and his legs were LONG. He was SO TALL! It was quiet until he broke the silence.

"Going to work?" He asked. It was out of the blue. I nodded, not looking his way. I could just feel him staring at me, it was creepy. "That's nice," He said in a low tone. "I don't start until 7:40." he added on. It's 5:53, why is he going so early?

"Uhm, it's only 5:53.. why are you going out early if you start 7:40?" I quietly said almost to myself. God did I regret saying a single word. "I'm going out to get my mail. I haven't gotten it in days." He responded. He sounded so.. beautiful. His low tone was so soft and my stomach suddenly started aching, as if I was gonna hurl as i heard his smooth sexy voice. I wanted to see his whole face clearly when I heard him so I turned to him forgetting that he could see my face. I wasn't wearing ANY makeup on. I was a disaster.
~~Jin POV
"I'm going to get my mail. I haven't gotten it in days." I obviously lied, I just wanted to meet her. I heard the quietest gasp after I spoke. She turned to look at me and she looked.. beautiful. Absolutely stunning. I did notice she didn't have any makeup on but she still looked incredible. I just stared at her gazing in her light brown eyes. It looked as if she got uncomfortable so I looked away immediately blushing. I wanted to get to know her. Even as a friend for now. She was my exact type.

The elevator reached the first floor and right when the elevator opened, she started walking away. I grabbed her by the wrist and she turned to look at me.

"Can we go out for coffee sometime?" I asked as brave as possible. This is the first time I asked someone out, I was so nervous. She just stood there for a moment. I was scared she was gonna reject me, so I bowed and let her go.

I saw her shadow coming closer to me, until i could see her shiny black heels. "Sure. How's tomorrow morning? I'm off work for the weekend." She said. I got so excited but wondered, what happened to the shy blushing girl from just earlier? That didn't matter though, she accepted! I looked back up at her and smirked. I could see her blushing hard, she then turned around immediately and ran away. I didn't even catch her name, and she doesn't know mine. Maybe after work I'll stop by her apartment..
~~time skip
~y/n POV
The whole time at work I was just thinking about how brave I was to accept. My body just didn't listen to what I wanted to do and came closer. I was blushing REALLY hard.

"Hey, y/n, you okay? you're spacing out." One of my coworkers said. I immediately snapped out of it. I apologized and started right back on working.

After work I walked back home and started picking out what I should wear tomorrow. I was so excited but also very nervous. What if I get carried away and he doesn't want to talk to me anymore?? Wait, why am I thinking so much about it? It's just coffee. I need to rest..

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