Laurent x reader ☁️☁️

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I pace back and forth on the boundary line as I snarl and snap at the red head across from me she smirks"I see they sent there biggest dog to deal will us how...amusing" I growl at her but she's right I'm the largest and the strongest I'm also much more stocky than Jake and Sam.

She goes to run along side the boundary line I qwickly take off along side her~im stronger then you blood sucker~ he giggles and gose to jump over I qwickly jump and bites her arm off a dark male qwickly grabs her away from the line "what are you thinking Victoria are you insane do you know who that is!" He gestures towards me I crush the arm in my mouth in half as I through it to the side I look at him 'he's beautiful his skin looks so soft for a blood sucker' Victoria hisses"I don't care who she is she just bit my fucking arm off!!" He chuckles "that's THE Reaper the one that's known for killing more then 200 of our kind you know the one you just really pissed off" her eyes go wide as I snarl at her. The dark skinned male stands up and looks at me as he just looks at me I look back at him as my hostile demeanor qwickly disappear as I sniff at him wagging my tail lightly I slowly turn around and jumps over the ravine that's the bindery line the red head starts to scoot "Laurent!! Help" he looks back at her and steps aside and nods huff as I snarl as I walk up to her~the reaper has come to take you Victoria~ I growl and jump at her riping her head off I turn to look at him I set the head by him as I walk up to him.

He slowly reaches his head up to my furry cheek" no one can know of our now bond it's rare for a wolf shifter to imprint on my kind and it's rare for my kind to do the same" I nuzzle into softly ~im sorry I've put you into this situation-~ he softly hugs my head"your no bother to love" I nuzzle more into him as I back away and I pick up her head and body in my mouth ~i will see you soon...Laurent~ he smiles and bows softly "it will be my pleasure" I qwickly turn around as I run towards the Cullen's house I look both ways on the road as I qwickly run across it I trot up there drive way I'm soon ment with the whole Cullen family I keep my head down as look very intimidating I softly put the body infont of them they gasp bella comes out "who is this- is that Victoria" Edward looks at me"bella this is y/n she's know for killing the our bad kind like Victoria bella looks up at me"she's way bigger then Jake if that's even possible" Edward chuckles "well her kind was formed to kill bad vampires so they became stronger, faster, larger, stocker, more stronger bones so if a vampire gets there arms around her her bones won't break" she nods as I slowly turn around and begin to trot away I hear Edward whisper to Bella"she's known as the Reaper because her fur is as dark as death its self" I begin to run through the forest as I doge and we've through the forest as I slowly stop as I trot through a clearing I huff as I lay down relaxing as I hear someone running towards me I get up as I snarl at the noise I hear his voice instantly calming me I shake my fur as Laurent comes from behind a tree"I assume the Cullen's didn't give you any issues my love" I nod as I trot over to a bag I turn back not caring if Laurent watches as I get my shirt on I turn to see him starring at me"what am I not as you expected?" I'm in a very punk/goth outfit he chuckles softly "alittle your much less intimidating in this form" he slowly wraps his arms around my waist "but your so amazing in every single way" he runs his fingers over my scar's. I turn my head to someone running towards us a pale man runs up to us as Laurent grabs his throat and throws him"don't.touch.her!" He hisses at the pale man"she killed Victoria!! Why are you protecting that dog. I growl at the pale male"I walk towards him"DO YOU KNOW WHO AM!" I throw the pale male far from Laurent I shake as I run and shift I snarl at the pale! And if you touch Laurent I will kill you to!" His eyes gose wide " Laurent your in love with that dog!" Laurent steps infont of me"James leave now or I will let her take you to" James runs at me as I jump over Laurent as I jump he wraps his arms around my chest and squeezed I feel my rips crack I whine softly as we hit the ground he kicks me breaking my leg I go flying through the forest Laurent's eyes go wide as he runs and tackles him as he qwickly takes his head off and stomps it he qwickly runs ove to me as I'm in human for shaking from the pain he picks me up and looks at the boundary line he qwickly runs towards the rez he knows he could be killed but he doesn't care.

He runs and yells for Jake and Sam"it's y/n James he's in the woods killed he just needs to be burned please she's in alot of pain. I shake as I scream in pain Jake and Sam runs out and there eyes go wide "Y/N!" They both yell as they run at me as Laurent keeps his eyes on me"shh y/n it will be fine I promise" I look up at him ~no one hurts him g-got it~ I connect to all my pack members link so they all can hear. Jake looks at Laurent "what happened blood sucker" I growl in pain at Jake Laurent hands me to Sam as he runs me to Jake's room. Jake glares at Laurent "James come out of nowhere and yelled at me and y/n because she... imprinted on me a hour before and and she just got back from bringing Victoria to the Cullen's because she- I let her kill her" Jake huff's softly still angry but not as much"your glad she would kill me if anything happened to you you can wait the Cullen's are coming to help y/n" Laurent nods softly as he paces back and forth nervously

carlisle qwickly walks into Jake's room as Laurent leans against the wall on the outside. I scream loudly in pain as I suddenly go quiet Laurent places back and forth nervously he goes to walk through the door to be ment with carlisle he smiles softly "shes fine just passed out form the pain everything should heal quickly thank you for saving her she may be a Wolf but she's all of our friends. But you can go see her now" Laurent qwickly walks in I lay there sweating alot as my ribs are bruised "she's sweating alot Because her body is healing her broken bones" Laurent jumps alittle as he turns around to be faced with Sam"I'm sorry for crossing your bindery lines it's just -" same chuckles softly and looks at me"you love her I see it in how worried you are, the look of fear of losing the first thing you've love" Laurent smiles and looks at me as I shake and sweat"she's strong I promise she should be up soon you can stay in this room until she wakes" Sam leaves the room as Laurent walks over to me he slowly rubs my head wiping the sweat off "I'm sorry I didn't stop him before his did this to you my love" he kisses my head softly as he leans against the wall to ''sleep".

I wake up 5 hours later I groan softly as I look around I smile as I see Laurent "sleeping" I slowly reach for his hand I grab his hand softly he jumps alittle"oh thank goodness your wake" he kisses me deeply I blush heavily as I hug him tightly I reach up and softly rubs his cheek he breaks the kiss and smiles I look up at him"can you lay down with me I'm still very tired" he nods"of course" he crawls into the bed by me as he cuddles me gently"good night my killer puppy" I giggle as I wince in pain "good night blood lover" I giggle softly again I groan as I just close my eyes and falls asleep.

I love this one!!

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