Jacob x y/n ☁️☁️

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"y/n I don't like this idea" I get hugged by Jacob as he nuzzles into my neck"Jake ik you don't but I'm different from you guys they can't hurt me as long as they don't get there arms around me even if they do my rips will just crack" I turn around and I look up at him I smile softly I lean up and kiss him softly he closes his eyes as he pulls me in for a deeper one"make sure you keep that little girl safe ok Jake" I here Edward whistle singling that there here I nod softly as I looks at Jake he looks at me sadly"come back to me after this ok?" I smirk as I turn my head alittle to look at him"I will always come back I promise" I growl as I run and shift a few of the Cullen's friends jump alittle I snarl as I stand up fully as I'm about 9ft.

I turn to see Jake shift and trots up next to me I look down at him as I nuzzle into him~i forgot how big you are y/n~ I chuckle softly as I see the vampires begin to run to the open field I howl and snarl as I begin to run, I run next to Edward his eyes widen "y/n I thought you would be in the back?" I snarl as I run I mind link with all the vampires ~they will pay for what they did to my pack~. We make it to the open field I stand in the back as the volturi is talking to Alice I see Jake running with the little girl I see a vampire go running towards them I growl as I take off after the vampire my large paws gaining speed I jump and I tackles the vampire I snarl and grips the vampires head as I shake and rip it's head off I growl as I crush the vampires head I howl softly letting the Cullen's know that vampire has been taken care of. I run back to the Cullen's as I walk through the Cullen's as I snarl and growl at the volturi there eyes go wide I hear Emmett yell"y/n no they won't fight us I know you want you get revenge for your pack but you would get killed" I snarl as I snap at them I turn around and I begin to run to where Jake is. I follow his cent as I trot up by Jake the little girl giggles and reaches out for me I nuzzle into her small hands she looks sad "I'm sorry what they did to your family" my eyes go wide "i forgot you can do that tiny" she giggles Jake looks at me Lovingly as I let her climb onto my back. me and Jake are just trotting around I yawn as I let my head hang low as I sniff the air makeing sure no one is following us the little girl giggles softly again"Jake likes y/n he thinks she's cute" Jakes fur puffs up as if he's blushing I giggle softy~awww Jake thank you~ he rolls his eyes playfully "y/n likes Jake alot she would...die for him, gladly" Jake looks at me I look away as he nuzzles his head into my neck as we began to walk to Cullen's house ~y/n is that true? You would die for me~ I softly nod ~ever since i imprinted on you my safety doesn't matter but if you die I don't think I would be able to live~ Jake's eyes go wide as the little girl touches Jake's back she giggles again "the thing you call imprinting?, Jake has done that on you he's just a baby to tell you" I giggle softy as I turn my head a little to look at the giggling girl~is that so tiny~ I turn to look at Jake his fur puffs up again ~maybe, yes she's right..~ I nug into him as I lick his cheek~well I like you alot if that wasn't explained by me kissing you before all of this~ he chuckles softly~true~ we can see the Cullen's house now I howl softly letting Cullen's to know where near.

I trot up to the house as I reach around and softly grabs the girls backpack and I softly set her on the ground she turns to me and smiles happily I see Bella open her arms as the little girl runs into her arms I turn towards Jake as I nuzzle I to him as I begin to trot away "why don't you guys stay for awhile we just won a war" Edward says as he smiles at me and Jake. I turn to Jake as he shakes his head~where tired we will see you guys tomorrow, bye tiny" me and Jake runs off through the woods ~jake where do we go now were not part of Sam's pack anymore?~ he looks at me as we run~ we can still go there we live there he won't like it at first but he can deal with it~ I nod my head as two wolfs run along side us ~hey Seth and Leah!~ they bark as we round the corner into the rez I'm Infront as I'm the largest I keep my head low as I sniff the air Sam walks out of the house he glares and runs and turns he walks up to me I snarl ~i challenge you Sam for alpha!~ Jake's eyes go wide he steps towards me Leah stops him ~shes got this~ Sam's eyes go wide ~if I win Sam you will step down and you can stay in the pack, I lose you can kill me, well you can try at least~ I howl as I stand my ground Sam tries to intimidate me I snarl and growl at him. At this point everyone is watching they pack looks worried. Sam snaps at me I snap back at me we suddenly crash into each other as I bit his muzzle as we roll around fur flying I howl in pain as he grabs my muzzle and rips it definitely going to leave a scar I growl as I kick him off off me he land son his back as he scrambles to get up I growl as I walk towards him as my bright red blood leaks from the cut marks I lunge at him as I grab his throat as I begin to put pressure on it he whines and rolls on his back and puts his paws up~y/n I give up!!~ I drop him instantly he whines and stands up again I look down at him as he puts his head down I turn to the pack, my family ~you guys aren't mad are you, don't fear me please this is for the best~ everyone nods Paul walks up to me and reaches for my face his hands are covered in blood his eyes widen "y/n turn back now your losing alot of blood" I shift back as I fall to the floor Jake runs to me now in clothes he wraps a big towel around me as three deep cuts gose over my face, Sam in now turned back and his eyes widen "i-i didn't mean to hurt her that bad" paul puts pressure on my face "Jake call the doc vampire now" he nods and runs over to get his phone a few minutes go by as I'm now laying on the floor on my back as Sam keeps pressure on my face"y/n, I'm sorry, I'm sorry on how I've acted towards you and Jake, I'm sorry I got so bad that you had to challenge me" I smile weakly"eh it's going to take more then a few cuts to kill me" Sam chuckles"I'm no even mad that I lost" I sigh softly"you can be alpha again I can't get them to follow me just because I beat you, but can I be the next alpha when you retire" I chuckle softly"ow.." sam smiles softly"of course y/n" I car speeds into the rez as Jake runs up to the car a pale blonde vampire ruches towards me Jake softly lifts me up"come on we got to get her into your room, y/n how much pain are you in" I groan softly"about a 8, almost 9" I get set on a soft object as the towel over my face is slowly removed I growl in pain"y/n can you open your eyes for me" I slowly open my eyes as the doctor points a flashlight into my eyes I close them as I groan"good y/n you can still see" my vision begins to go black as I pass out.

I slowly wake up as I hiss in pain I see jake asleep in a chair I see the doctor vampire cleaning his hands"ah y/n your awake" I nod softly as I slowly reach for Jake's hand I grip his finger softly"he's been asleep for alittle while" I smile softly. I slowly site up I groan in pain as I close my eyes in pain"your stitched up and you have your sight you will have scars though" I nod softly as Jake slowly wakes up "y/n! Your wake thank God" I cover my ears he whispers soft"sorry y/n" I look at him as I open my arms "cuddle?" He nods softly and crawls onto his bed and cuddles into me

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