Sam x y/n 💧💧

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(warning this will be sad)

I smile as I look down at Sam as he's laying his head in my lap as our daughter crawls around next to us "Sam I'm worried about this vampire war..I have a bad feeling" Sam smiles up at me and reaches up and rubs my cheek softly "Hun it's ok nothing will happen to us I promise where just there to be backup ok babygirl?" I smile as I nod softly leaning into his hand.

I walk up to Jake will out baby girl D/n and he looks at me "take her with you please..Jake" his eyes good wide but then he nods"of course y/n i promise to keep her safe you stay safe to you hear me" i smile softy as i nod.
As we walk behind the Cullen's Sam softly nuzzles me I nuzzle against him to. After the king vampires left tones of rouge vampires came out of nowhere the Cullen's fight and kill most of them I qwickly run around and tackle one that's trying to kill Leah I roll as I land on the ground throwing the vampire away from her she smiles but that qwickly fades as a group of five vampires come running at me I whine softly as I slowly get up I growl at leah~run and...tell Sam I love him and tell D/n mommy will ways be watching her~ leah's eyes widen as I howl makeing a few more run to me I glare at Leah again ~GO!! NOW!! Leah~ I get tackled by all of the seven I let out a howl of pain as tears leak from my eyes as the vampires begin to try and rip my apart I snap at a few crushing some of there's head a vampire wraps his arms around my neck as I try and wiggle out of its grip I look around scaredly as the vampire qwickly snaps my neck.

Sam see's Leah running towards him with tears in her eyes ~it's y/n...Sam i-~ a howl of pain could be Heard from the way leah run from sams eyes goses wide as he qwickly runs towards the howl i stops in his tracks as tears begin to roll down his fured cheeks ~y/ baby no!!!~ he growls and tackles a vanpire riping its head off. He works his way through all the vampires there I slowly trot up to your dead body and nuzzles his muzzle into your neck he lets out a long pain filled howl. All the pack members stop and look in the direction of Sam's howl Leah slowly sits down as all the wolves howl sadly  after the Cullens kill the last rouge vampire they look towards sam and there eyes widen. Jake's ears perk up to the howling ~y/ I told you to stay safe of course you wouldn't listen~ Jake looks down at the little baby wrapped close to his body the little girl sitting on him frowns "Jake is y/n ok you feel sad" Jake turn to look at the little girl ~um ya she's ok I should probably let Sam now D/n is ok~ Jake let's put a long deep howl. Sam's looks in the direction of Jake then back down at you the love of his life he whines loudly as it really kicks it that your really gone...I nuzzles into yiur soft fur more.
Leah and and the pack slowly trot up to Sam and your body. Leah looks at Sam and she cry's alittle ~she told me to tell you something..Sam she- she said to tell you that she loves you and tell D/n that mommy is always watching her...~ sam lets out a pained cry as he shifts back leaning his head against your furred chest"Y/N FUCK WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME!!! LEAVEING D/N!!" Sam cry's really crying the pack has rarely seen this part of him. Jake run towards same and the pack Jake whines softly same puts on shorts and runs towards Jake and softly take D/n out of the thing holding her "hi babygirl momma always loved you you know" Sam begins to cry again. He looks at you as your turned back now he softly hands D/n to Leah. Paul slowly walks up to Sam and pats his back softly"let go back home and barely her..." Sam nods as he wraps you in some fabric and softly picks your limp body up.
Sam makes it back to the Rez Jake's dad come wheeling out and he looks at him sadly "oh y/n no..." You where like a adopted daughter to him since you where a toddler Sam avoids eye contact as he stands there beginning to cry again  "I'm sorry I couldn't protect her... I-i wasn't there.." Leah looks down and falls to her knees "Its my fault!! She died protecting me!! A vampire tackles me I couldn't get to it she got it and- and more of them came she told me to run!!.." Sam looks at you in his arms and shakes his head crying"baby girl you said you wouldn't do something like that" Paul softly rocks D/n as he softly speaks "let's bury her on the cliff jumping cliff that ways was her favorite spot..." Sam whispers softly Paul, Jake, Jake's dad, Leah and the rest of the pack nod as they grab shovels and hop onto there truck Sam holds you to his chest "I'ma miss you so much"

They make it the cliff and the boys begin to dig as you rest of the ground. Sam softly hums to the little baby in his arms"I'm going to to try my best to keep you safe I promise daddy promises" he softly nuzzles his face into the baby's face. Sam hands the baby to Paul as he softly picks you up and places you in it and he softly kisses your forehead "bye y/n I love you so much.." Paul, Sam and Jake starts to shovel dirt into you a few minutes pass Sam holds D/n and softly rocks her she softly reaches her tiny and towards the grave "m-m-ma-  mamma?" Sam eyes water as he hold her closer to him "momma is sleeping babygirl shes up there" he points to the sky.

Later that night candles and flowers where left at your grave Sam never got with anyone he couldn't he couldn't forget about you...

                      (6years later)
"Dad where are we going?" Y/d/n softly holds Sam's hand as they hop into his truck as a few cars follow behind him "hay wolf pup you have the flowers you picked for momma" she looks sad as he nods "ya...Dad I miss momma" Sam smiles alittle "ya me to pup, me to" as sam parks they get out Jake smiles and looks at the flowers "your mom would of loved those pup those are her f/c "  D/n runs off ahead as sam jogs behind his heart breaks as he sees your daughter kneeling down at your grave crying her shoulders shake violently he kneels beside her and softly rubs her back"your momma told us to tell you that she always watching you and she loves you" D/n qwickly hugs Sam he wraps his arms around her as other members of the pack softly sets flowers and candles on your grave. Jake leans down and pets D/n's head "wanna see what your mom likes to do for fun your to young to do it but when your older you can do it" D/n softly nods she slowly walks near the cliff edge Sam holds her and as she watches Jake, Paul and a few other male members go jumping off the cliff D/n grips Sam's leg"mom used to do that!! It looks scary. Sam chuckles and looks down at her "yep she loved this place this is where she told me she was pregnant with you pup" we turn to look at the sun set.

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