10|See You

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(Just a quick warning ⚠ there will a bit of a 🔞. So if you don't want that you can skip it. I'll be putting a ⚠ signal where you can stop from reading and a ✅ signal where you can continue. Also, I've already made some old drafts of writing 🔞 scenes, but this is my first time actually publishing it for others to see 😂😅 so to those who will read it sorry in advance if itssss Idk lacking??!!!! Byeee! ('⊙ω⊙'))

Jihoon felt it was not worth it nor right to be with Hyunsuk anymore. He wasn't trying to become single to be available for Junkyu, that would be so wrong. But he was doing it because it was unfair to be with Hyunsuk while longing for someone else. It was unfair and wrong to do to Hyunsuk.

"Let's break up." Jihoon muttered.

"What?" Hyunsuk looked at him with shaky eyes.

"Hyunsuk hyung, let's break up. We can't be together anymore." Jihoon whispered. His head lowered to avoid meeting the eye's of the other.

"If that's want you want then
...I will let you go." Hyunsuk nodded.

It hurts him to say that but if that was what the younger wishes then he will grant it.

He wanted to cry. He can't. He doesn't want to. He doesn't want Jihoon to be with him for the sake of pitying him. He wants him to be with him because he loves him with his whole heart. But, apparently the younger doesn't.

The two walked to Jihoon's apartment. Jihoon had expected for Hyunsuk to leave immediately after walking him back, but instead the latter requested for something first.

"Can I atleast kiss you one last time?" Hyunsuk asked. His voice sound very much defeated.

Jihoon felt guilty and awful for doing this to him, to both of them, but in his heart he just knew it was right to let go. Upon hearing Hyunsuk's request, he felt obliged to comply and reluctantly nodded. Hyunsuk quickly captured his lips with his own and they kissed for a while. He then lets go to breath and stare at Jihoon with his sad eyes.

"Can I kiss your neck one last time?" Hyunsuk asked too.

Jihoon was surprised but slowly nodded again. He figured that after this one Hyunsuk would finally leave. The younger allowed the older to shower his neck with kisses. Then he felt him carefully licking and sucking on his neck. Jihoon moaned due to the tingling sensation it brought as Hyunsuk attacked the sensitive parts of his neck. His uncontrollable moans encouraged Hyunsuk to do more and soon a hand went under his shirt, touching his body.

It became very heated and they soon made it to Jihoon's bed.

Hyunsuk got himself on top of Jihoon. He continued kissing him while his hands roamed all over the younger's body.

Jihoon pulled away from the kiss to breath. He was panting heavily and feeling sensitive from the hormones in his body getting triggered or aroused.

Hyunsuk tried to capture his lips again, his hand already unbuttoning Jihoon's pants.

"W-wait...Hyunsuk." Jihoon avoided the kiss, his voice was shaky. He let out a sudden whine unable to say what he was supposed to say. Hyunsuk had rubbed his private area with only his underwear still keeping him concealed.

"Jihoonie, I love you." Hyunsuk breathed out.

He quickly kissed Jihoon again and the latter was trying to resist as what they were doing felt going too far. But his body wanted more and all common sense were thrown out the window.

Soon, the younger was naked. He felt the cold air biting at his exposed skin and he wanted to cover himself. But Hyunsuk took both his wrists and held him down. He dove in to suck on his nipples. Jihoon flinched and writhed from the sensation. He bit his lip to keep himself from making any sound.

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