Chapter one

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Chapter one(shadow); dreams

"How scary it must have been for you...having to toss on your bed and scream in your dreams, how are you feeling now?"Asked Ummi's mom, with a heavy and dizzy eyes Ummi replied faintly "am just fine mom, you need not to worry"..."wai when will daddy be back from his travel, this is not funny any longer am getting really scared staying in the same room with her mom, can you imagine how loud she was In her dreams screaming and shouting at God knows I think it might be some spiritual issues...ya Allah we seek your protection from jinns and evil doers" Ummi's elder sister Samira bluntly said with solicitude...

"I spoke with your dad already, explaining the situation to him he assured me he will be back tomorrow in shaa Allah but before that, he asked us to be very firm with our adkars especially Ummi...(turning to Ummi) you the only one who can fight this battle, you need to believe in Allah and be firm with your duas, in shaa Allah you will be okay by the time you start taking proper treatment but before then you have to consciously pray even more than you normally do okay?"  Ummi nodded responding to her mother...

"let me prepare the breakfast mom, you should stay with her for now" said Samira while their mother replied "make some Lipton for her with honey just the way she likes it before making some pancakes for us, she needs to take something warm, she is cold" "okay ma" Samira answered and left the room.


     Ummi was alone in her room, thinking about everything that has happened to her in a week... it's still very much unbelievable...just from thinking about how frightening her nights have been, how dark and scary makes her shivers, it was as if that same shadow that appeared in her dream was also standing behind her, she could feel his space...she was again in despair...everything is getting worse by the day, she found herself crying once again... "Wallahi I'm not feeling myself any longer, the vibes the energy everything is slowly draining away....ya Allah save me please save me from this man, whoever he might be ya Allah save me from him" Ummi wiped her tears and decided to pray solatul duha so she can recite her adkar...

     Later in the day,Ummi was caught up with her best friend over the phone who was gisting her about her latest endorsement with an organization which was specified with selecting beauty queens for modelling and ambassadorial deals...."wallahi Ummi I was so surprised when they called to inform me...a dream come true for me, I'm so super happy " Umaima said excitedly 

"wow, I'm so happy for you...i know how hard and how much you've been trying to get up to this...finally you becoming an influencer as you've always how is mom and everyone?" "they are all fine Alhamdulillah...and mine over there?" Umaima asked "Alhamdulillah all is on a business trip he will be back tomorrow In shaa Allah" replied Ummi "oh in shaa Allah my regards pls..."

" sure they will hear, mine too" they ended the call... Ummi thought to herself " Umaima is so happy, guess everything in her life is eventually getting better, see how happy she was...unlike me with a shadow following me about," she said out loud forgetting her sister Samira was there with her..."Subhanallah don't be envious Ummi.... Your life isn't that bad might not be an endorsement with a fashion brand but never forget you are among the top 10 in your class, you will soon open your wears brand once you done with this session,you are a great girl too doing just fine, just because you're going through some unforeseen circumstances doesn't mean you wouldn't get over it when the right time comes...just be prayerful for now okay...when dad comes we will get a better option and everything would be back to normal" Samira assured her sister with so much enthusiasm

"thank you so much Samira I couldn't have asked for a better are just the best thank you" she said with tears in her eyes while they hugged each other just before their mother joined them in the room..."Assalamu Alaikum daughters " their mother said while entering the room "waalaykumu Salam mom" they both whispered...."what were u both discussing?" she asked trying to join in the conversation while the sisters shook her off "sisters secret" and spurt into laughter...their mother smirked and said "not like I was interested thou"...she jokingly said while they all laughed "before I umaima sent her regards" Ummi delivered the message "oh that's nice my regards to her when u speak with her and tell her to visit us soon" her mom said while she responded with "yes ma" they had dinner later that evening and all went to sleep after praying together.... Nights out!


Found myself in a shadowy, hollow, ominous room with no wallpaper, instead of a carpet there were only filthy floorboards that creaked and moaned, the howling wind rattled the windowpane in the bitter damp night outside and I was already shivering knowing shadow will appear anytime soon... "this was the room" I mumbled to myself, hand cracking my ribs with my fingers wishing to flee...then the shadow man appears...i have never been able to figure out his looks as he is as dark as a silhouette but this time around he was wearing a silky black coat but it was too long for him that it trailed down the floor... I thought to myself, why is he trying to show himself to me? I don't wanna know who you are I just want you to leave me alone!!! Then I asked myself "should I say this out to him or should I just lay low till he pass me by?" beware and behold this was all in my head as I heard my sister's alarm ringing then I was able to open my eyes and yet again it was another dream of shadow trying to mess with my head(crying) I haaattteeee yoooouuuu I said out loud as I woke up and Samira stood up to asking "who are you speaking with?"

.             *Authors pov*
Assalamu alaikum...hope you all are doing just fine? 😁 You know this is my first book right?💃am very excited pulling this up, but first thing first🌚 Please share your thoughts on this first chapter let's get started on the comment section, only your words can encourage me to do better🥹🙏 also vote, share and invite your friends to read open to corrections pls don't let this flop☺️ always check update for new chapter after three days🙏kisses from me😘 I love you all from hussal❤️❤️❤️❤️

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