Chapter twenty one

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Moments apart;

Ummi felt a slight pain in her body and a lump in her throat, which She managed to gulp down. Her eyes were clenched shut, and she wondered what was up again as she slowly opened her eyes. As usual, she was amidst the company of Samira, Ahmad, her mom, and her dad. "What happened?" she said with a sore and tired voice. "Ummi, are you okay?" Ahmad quickly asked with a very worried expression. And Ummi recalled what she had seen in the office, and her heart felt betrayed. Nevertheless, she nodded at Ahmad's question and said, "what happened, Samira, dad, mom?" she asked, running her eyes at them one by one.

"It was Shadow! Ummi, I think you have to start the other treatment from mall Sadiq! I know you hate taking those medications because they are bitter, but you have no choice now. That's the only way shadow would let you be!" her dad said, and Ummi, without an option, nodded. "Have some milk!" Samira handed over a cup of milk, which she greedily took in. "Ummi, avoid getting unnecessarily angry. It's unlike you!" her mom advised "mom, what happened was worth getting angry at!" Ummi tried to protest while Ahmad tried to defend "seriously, you got it all wrong."

Ummi didn't spare him a look "we will give you guys a minute to clear the misunderstandings!" Her dad said, and they left Ahmad alone with Ummi in the living room. "I promise, Ummita, everything you saw at the hospital isn't what it looks like" Ahmad broke the awkward silence between them in a pleading tone.

"Then explain? Who is she? Who is Farha?" Ummi asked with an annoyed stare at Ahmad

"I'm sorry for not telling you about her earlier. I didn't feel it was necessary." Ahmad folded his palms together and massaged the bridge of his nose before he continued, "to be honest, Farha was a colleague at work. She is a doctor like myself, and her father happens to be the hospital director. We work hand in hand with her. I don't know how come or when it started, but Farha happens to love me a lot. I didn't realize that I was just myself, friendly as ever. But I guess in some way, I found out she loved me, and because I didn't want to reject her because I didn't want to hurt her feelings, I led her on...." he let his words trail off discreetly and stared at Ummi to see her reaction.

"Led her on in what way?" jealous Ummi said in a jealous tone. She couldn't resist herself. "I made her think I love her too by replying to her calls and messages and taking her for lunch during our breaks at work and dropping her off at home, and picking her up from the house sometimes when her car has issues. I think all these made her love me more, and she started seeing us as a couple. Dating me in her head...." Ahmad couldn't continue the narrative. His palms were sweaty, hoping Ummi won't get upset even more.

"And why would you lead her on that way? Were you playing..." Ummi let her words trail off as she Inquisitively glanced at Ahmad, recoiled with a feeling she can't even describe. "I thought with time. I would love her because she was nice and all. But I couldn't love her, at least not after getting to know one or two ugly behaviours of her's" he defended, and Ummi rolled her eyes at him.

"So what happened next?" Curious, Ummi asked, "I told her I didn't love her so she could stop loving me. She left for Dubai a few weeks after, and I thought everything was back to normal. At least I was starting to free myself from the guilt I felt toward her. That was when I met you, Ummita. And I promise it's been you ever since," Ahmad sincerely confessed with his eyes full of love for Ummi.

Ummi's heart fluttered, but she was still a bit downcast. "What was that in your office?" Ummi asked again, trying to understand every bit of the situation, and Ahmad heaved a shaky breath before telling Ummi everything honestly. Ummi nodded and said, "I guess everything that happened was a misunderstanding then. Shadow was at it again. Controlling my mind and actions. I'm sorry for acting rude and disrespectful towards you," she apologized with a hint of guilt placed on her face.

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