Chapter two

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"Huh!!?" Ummi was frightened "I said who were u talking to? Another dream? He came again?" Samira asked tapping on ummi's shoulder..."are you okay?" She continued...without getting a response... Samira further said "okay I understand...let's just pray tahajjud and make dua okay?" She said gently while Ummi nodded in agreement....they prayed and sat for another 30mins to make Duas while their mother joined in.

"Assalamu alaikum girls" Hajiya Ummi's mother said placing kisses on their foreheads "mom she had a dream again!" Samira said to her "again?...may Allah accept your prayers and distance us from whoever it is messing with my daughter" they all whispered "Ameen"..."why don't we all sleep here together... it's almost 3am,hmm?" She suggested while they all nodded in agreement...Hajiya held them all through the remaining hours of the night with lots of love and care...she has been in pain just as expected as a mother, she could feel the pain her youngest daughter was going through yet she can't do anything but pray!

Night night!!

"Walaykumu salam" Ummi responded to her dad as she ran off to give him a welcoming hug at the sitting room "hahaha haha"ummi's dad laugh out hugging his daughter back "you must have missed me right?" he said while they were pulling off from each other "very much dad, days became very long And lonely with out you" Ummi replied almost crying....she loves her dad alots and enjoys being in his company! She will always say "dad first, sorry mammy"...

."what about the nights?" he asked bluntly "very scary dad..." she said this time around she was weeping while embracing her daddy again...with him, she believes she could find relief, at this point, Samira and Hajiya joined them in the sitting room "yes I know, your mom told me everything...we will find a solution you need not worry in shaa Allah all is will be okay, am telling you nobody can mess with your head okay?" her father reassured her, patting her back while she keeps nodding like a baby...

"welcome back daddy!" "welcome my came earlier than expected, the food will soon be ready" Hajiya explained while they'll glowed "you need not to worry am just okay...the trip wasn't exhausting, I had some snacks on my way" he said pulling his wife closer to him "I miss you!" he said to her "I miss you more"she replied hugging him tightly while Samira whispered jokingly to Ummi "this two always seems to forget they have two grown ups already!" they both chuckled.

In hajiya's room
"She will scream in her room very randomly, toss on her bed, shout in her dreams, and most times she will behave abnormally like she is hallucinating...we are very spooked at what might be the issue!?" Abubakar Ummi's dad recounted over the phone "is it always a nightmare anytime she shout in her dreams?" a voice over the phone asked

"yes,yes,mall Umar, she often says she is seeing a shadow in her dream...that's the shadow visiting her always" replied Alhaji Abubakar "does she always feel his presence too? Like can she feel he is around her anytime he appears?" further asked mall Umar "does she?" Alhaji Abubakar turned over to his wife hajiya who was also listening to the conversation while she nod vehemently "yes,yes" he replied "hmm this is likely to be a jinn problem!" mall Umar proclaimed while they were left bewildered

"I thought jinns were mostly used or sent by it possible someone is trying to fascinate my daughter?" Hajiya asked terrified while mall umar replied very quickly "no,no as much as what you said is true, it is also very possible they came on their own...there are wicked jinns out there, they can get enticed by humans and they want them around so they possess them...while some come out of resentment, reasons varies a lot and you will get to understand once we start with the proper treatment, I am currently unavailable but I will send one of my students over tomorrow in shaa Allah, he will come and make ruqi'a for her and we proceed from there...but before that she will have to be conscious of her adkars and be ready to battle this with us" "naam jazakallah Khairan" said Hajiya while her husband further said "thanks alots mall Umar, we will await your student then, may Allah bring you back in town safely, Assalamu alaikmum" "Ameen sir Wa Alaykum salam" they ended the call and the couple sigh...

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