Chapter Fifteen: Overlapping Worlds

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"Hey, look up there!"

"What's that?!" 

Shock and slight bit of fear of the unknown filled everyone's voices as the skies above Alamos Town suddenly shone in a bright pink light, overshadowing its usual bluish shade. The brightness of the light increased by each passing second before it suddenly faded into nothingness. Before the phenomenon well null, a small dot of white light sparkled for a few moments. The strong winds accompanying the pink light faded alongside it, leaving the people perplexed at the oddity of the situation. 

"Please tell me anyone of you has a vague idea of what happened just now." Lucas gulped. The sight was enough to give him an uneasy feeling and he was definitely wasn't alone in that regard.

"Sorry to say but I have no idea just what that was." Cynthia muttered, glaring at the sky. It wasn't a naturally occurring phenomenon, the Champion is sure about that. "Let's go outside and what it was all about."

Quickly descending down the stairs, the group exited the Space-Time Towers and glanced up at the now clear blue sky. There was nothing out of the ordinary anymore. But the normalcy of the situation wasn't long lived. Right after the pinkish glow had died down, everyone begin to feel a suffocating pressure weighing down on them.

"Get out!!"

The heavy voice of Darkrai echoed through the town's square, freezing people where they stood for a few moments as they tried to comprehend who or what was it. 

'The shopkeeper said that Darkrai isn't the type to show itself publicly. They why?' Cynthia's mind went back to the words she exchanged with the shopkeeper. Her hand subconsciously gripped the Ultra Ball in her possession. 

From the shadows emerged Darkrai glaring around everywhere. It seemed as in the Dark-type was searching for their sworn enemy and would quickly dispose off them once it manages to find them. A well-aimed Hyper Beam went straight for the Dark-type, the latter timely avoiding it by flying up above a light pole before looking down at the perpetrator who was none other than Baron Alberto's Lickilicky.

"Gyro Ball!" He commanded, as in trying to take control of the chaos caused by Darkrai's sudden appearance.

Darkrai charged up a little amount of electricity in it's arm before firing it off at the Normal-type paralyzing it on the spot. Then it charged up a dark sphere in between it's arm before it disintegrated into several smaller sphere before the Pitch-Black Pokémon fired them off as bullets from a gun. Whichever Pokémon it hit, went into a deep slumber. This time it did not target any human being and after causing quite a ruckus in the town's square, it tried fleeing through the shadows.

"No you don't!" Xavier chased after it, calling out his Growlithe in the open. 'I want to know what that pink goliath was. Why did I see that?'

Xavier couldn't put his finger on it but somehow the pink goliath he saw in his nightmare and the pink phenomenon that happened right now felt eerily similar. He couldn't shake of the feeling that these two are connected and that Darkrai was trying to convey something via nightmares. The possibility of Dark Void having side-effects doesn't seem like just an assumption.

"Fire Spin! Aim at the shadows!" The Kanto native commanded. 

Charging up flames in his maw, the Fire Pup let out a loose stream of flames at the shadows of the fleeing Dark-type. The latter took a sharp turn, escaping into an alleyway, with it's pursuers following right behind.

"I need answers---WHAT THE-!?" The duo stopped in their tracks as they saw a Pokémon floating and passing through the walls. "You got to be kidding me..!"

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