Chapter Ten: Onward to Alamos

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Xavier had woken up early once again and concluded that it had become a habit of his ever since arriving in this region and starting out on his own adventure. That didn't seem like a bad habit either. 

Figuring that the Professor might still be sleeping, Xavier left the room he had reserved in the Jubilife City Pokécenter where him and Professor Rowan had retired for the night before they would be heading out for their destination, Alamos Town. Professor Rowan stated that he had someone to meet there and Xavier is simply accompanying the professor on his own accord.

His reason being that if he were to be targeted by those Team Galactic goons once again, someone must be there to defend him since he himself isn't carrying any sort of Pokémon with him and neither will his old age cooperate in a physical combat. It made sense for Xavier to tag along with him to prevent any kind of casualties and his research falling into wrong hands.

The black-haired male stepped out at the backyard of the Pokécenter where like every other Pokécenter, it had a battlefield for trainer to test out their skills and train if they wanted to, Being early in the morning, he was the only one here at this time.

"Perfect." He said to himself before releasing his Pokémon. Both of them materialized in front of him; Machop looking alert as ever while Growlithe seemed like he had just woken up from his sleep, much like his trainer.

"You two ready for some early morning training?" Xavier asked, a low chuckle escaping his lips, witnessing the different behavior patterns of his Pokémon. 

One groaned and the other seemed already getting into it.


One and a half hour later, both Professor Rowan and Xavier seemed ready to depart Jubilife City. Xavier had a change of clothing, replacing his hoodie with a newly bought black jacket and a plain-colored scarf. He bought them both taking note of the weather in Sinnoh and couldn't risk catching a cold.

"Professor Rowan!" A pair of voices calling out the Professor's name, made both of them halt their steps before turning to the direction of the voice.

The sources of the voice were none other Lucas and Dawn, with the former waving at them. They soon caught up to them, a joyous expression on their faces.

"If it isn't Lucas and Dawn." Professor Rowan greeted. He then found someone missing. Someone who is more noisy and hyperactive compared to the two here. "Where's Barry?"

"He headed out for Eterna first thing right after winning his badge, saying he is on a roll and no one can stop him." Lucas quickly informed, trying a little to mimic Barry's speaking style.

"Typical Barry." Professor Rowan muttered, his mind flashing back on how the teenager ran out from his lab without even accepting the Pokédex.

That reminded him. He still has to give him his Pokédex but still hasn't encountered the hyperactive blonde even once after the latter started off on his journey. If only Barry knew the definition of patience.

"So where are you two headed for? Eterna?" Xavier inquired making himself known. He felt like his presence had been completely ignored.

"Oh I didn't notice you at all. Sorry Xavier." Lucas had an apologetic look on his face, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Who is he Lucas?" Dawn questioned. This is the first time for both of them seeing each other. 

"His name is Xavier. One of Professor Rowan's acquaintances whom he met in Kanto." Lucas explained. "Xavier, this is Dawn."

"Nice to meet you Xavier."

"Likewise Dawn."

"You never mentioned where you two were headed to." Professor Rowan reminded. He had no hurry in reaching Alamos, given they had the entirety of the day to do so. He would even evaluate the progress Lucas and Dawn made in their Pokédex while at it.

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