
373 17 1

warnings; violence, violence against teens, blood, swearing. anything i've missed, pls let me know


"Board the windows!"

"Hurry it up, it's almost here!"

"Hey, can someone help me with this?"

Samantha runs out onto the porch while the kids set about fortifying the interior of the cabin, seeing Nancy in Hopper's tiny shed looking for anything that they could use as weapons when she feels the ground start to tremour under her, almost like an earthquake.

This thing, The Mind Flayer, it was the same thing that was in the hospital with them but now...it was huge. Like, 30 feet tall huge.

"Guys," she calls grabbing Nancy and Jonathan's attention, "Guys, I think it's time to get back inside!"

When they're all safetly in the cabin, Samantha helps Max moves the sofa to barricade the door.

"Get away from the windows," she instructs, seeing Mike and Will peering out of the make-shift curtain they'd used, "And get in the middle, behind us."

The younger members do as she says and cluster together with Samantha in front of Eleven and then Nancy and Jonathan since they were the only two that had weapons.

It's all eerily silent, the only noise was coming from one of Hopper's hanging lamps that's swinging back and forth. There's a faint rumble, causing the plates and mugs on the dish rack to rattle noisily as the lights started flickering.

"It's close," Will murmurs and outside, they can hear the leaves rustling as the creature's rumbling footsteps get louder.

Samantha jumps when some mugs fall from where they're hanging, feeling Will's hand reach out to grab the back of her jumper and they all look at each other when it falls silent again.

"Where'd it go?" Max asks and Mike shushes her (as if it didn't already know that they were in there).

When one of it's...would you call them arms? Tentacles? comes crashing through the wall behind them, Samantha yelps and pushes the kids out of the way, making sure to get them as far from danger as possible.

They watch Jonathan swing his axe into it; once, twice.

It shrieks, rearing back for only a second before knocking him off his feet and into the opposite wall.

"Jonathan!" Samantha cries, leaving Lucas' side to pick up the axe he'd dropped before going to his side to help him up.

"Look out!" he points over her shoulder and she turns, blindly swinging the axe in hopes of hitting it somewhere, anywhere when it comes back to attack again.

Her ears ring when Nancy starts shooting, taking the attention off of her so she get Jonathan back on his feet.

"Shit," Nancy whispers, realising that her shotgun is out of ammo and she backs up against the wall as it comes ever closer.

Moving from her spot against the wall, Eleven holds up her hand and the creature comes to a reluctant halt, inches from Nancy's face but the girl doesn't give it any time to try and fight back, snapping the end off as if it was nothing more than a twig.

It retreats, slithering it's way past Max who's by it's point of entry.

That can't be it Samantha thinks, That was too easy.

She screams and drops to the floor when another tentacle comes crashing through the wall behind her, a third coming through the ceiling as they both try to attack Eleven, who like with the first, manages to stop them before they can reach her.

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