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It was suspiciously easy for them to get into the mall. Samantha (and the rest of the group) had definitely thought that there would be at least a couple of security guards on patrol by the doors or inside but it was eerily deserted.

Mike had filled them in on the way there; saying that he had managed to pick up something about Russians in Dustin's frantic call for help and not knowing exactly what they'd be up against upon entering the mall, they tread carefully.

From their point of entry, they'd made their way up to the second floor and hearing hushed voices, they tiptoed to peer over the railing where they could see a group of men all dressed in black (and carrying rather large guns) searching the food court down below.

With their vantage point, Samantha can see hair that could only belong to Steve Harrington hidden behind the counter of Great Cookie and taps Mike on the shoulder, pointing out their location.

He alerts Eleven and even though she's injured and exhausted, she nods and Nancy waves everyone back from the edge so they're not seen.

On the floor below, there's a car on display and it's not long before Eleven has it going crazy; lights flashing, alarm blaring, the whole nine yards.

They hear the men's surprised -possibly even scared- voices before she's sending it flying towards them with a quiet grunt.

Samantha winces at the sound of the car taking out everything in it's path, returning to the overlook to see Dustin, Steve...Robin and Erica all slowly stand from their hiding place and honestly, the look on the young boy's face when he sees them all standing there, sees Eleven standing there, she doesn't think she'll ever forget it.

"Come on."

Samantha follows Will towards the escalators, taking the unmoving steps two at a time and she smiles as Dustin throws himself onto Mike and Eleven, "You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!"

"Holy shit," the blonde gasps when she catches sight of Steve's beaten and bloodied face, reaching out to gently turn his head so she can get a better look, "What the hell happened to you?"

He gives a casual shrug of his shoulders, "Russians."

"Russians?" she repeats, looking at the closest man on the floor, "Those are Russians?"

"Some of 'em," Erica nods and Samantha peers over Steve's shoulder.

"Hey Robin."

"Hi," she breathes, still looking at the wrecked car, "I-I don't understand. What happened to that car?"

"El has superpowers."


"Superpowers," Steve repeats, "She threw it with her mind. Come on, keep up."

"I'm sorry," Nancy is looking between the two Scoops Ahoy employees, "Who are you?"

"Robin, I work with Steve."

"She cracked the secret code!" Dustin says eagerly, "It's how we found out about the Russians."

"Russians? What Russians?"

"Those Russians!" Steve gestures to the destroyed food court.

"Those are Russians?"

"Oh my god," Samantha mutters.

"Didn't you hear our code red?" Dustin asks, frowning.

"Yeah but I couldn't make out half of what you were saying."

"Low battery," he mutters sheepishly and Steve tuts like a disappointed parent.

"How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery?"

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