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guess who decided to finally write a season three fic three years later


"Gooooood morning, Indianapolis! It has just gone nine AM, it's June 8th and it's looking like it's going to be a beautiful day with temperatures..."

From within the nest of blankets and pillows on the bed, Samantha Wheeler huffs into the pillow beneath her head, blindly reaching out to try and hit the button that would cease the DJs irritating voice.

There was no reason to be that happy so early in the morning.

When silence fills the room once more, she lets out a sigh, reaching out a hand again but this time in search of her boyfriend, brow furrowing when all she's met with is empty bedsheets.

She pushes herself up and takes a blearly look around the room, seeing that Jonathan's camera and satchel are both gone meaning that he'd left for work early.

On the bedside table, next to his alarm clock, is a note and after rubbing at her tired eyes, Samantha grabs it.

Had to pick up Nancy before work. I'll make it up to you tonight at Frenchie's before you go to the arcade. I'll pick you up at the pool


Shaking her head, Samantha tosses the note back onto the table before getting up, "Guess he forgot that he was supposed to be taking me to work this morning."

She really didn't want to be mad at him but ever since he and Nancy had gotten jobs for the Hawkins Post, it seemed like he'd forgotten about her. There was the odd occasion when he would forget about dates or forget to pick her up when he said he would but like she said, she couldn't be mad at him. She just couldn't. She knew how important the job was to him, how good it was going to look on his college applications next year.

Grabbing her pants, she quickly pulls them on when there's a loud knock on the door.

Shit. Joyce doesn't really like her being here overnight and normally, she would never go against the woman like that but it had felt like ages since she had seen Jonathan with them both working so much.

There's another knock at the door and she freezes.

"Samantha?" she relaxes slightly when it's Will who's stood out there, "Samantha, mom's wondering if you want some breakfast?"

Oh god. Joyce knew she was here.


After hastily pulling on her shirt, she pulls the door open a crack, seeing Will standing there with raised eyebrows, "I'm not here, alright?"

"Mom already knows that you're here," he says as he steps into his brother's room, frowning as she heads for the window, "She saw your bike outside."

Shit. She had meant to pull it around the side out the house when she'd arrived last night so that didn't happen but it was raining and she was a little too excited to see Jonathan when she climbed in the window.

"I'm not here," she repeats in a hiss, one leg already through the window, "Alright?"

He holds his hands up, "Alright."

That was good enough for her and with that, she gives him a wave and makes her escape, pulling on her sneakers as soon as her feet hit the ground before grabbing her bike.

She really couldn't wait until she could afford her own car. Her parents had limited her to using either of their cars to two days a week and so she was saving up for her own and until she got that car, she was either biking it or getting rides from Jonathan or Nancy if she was able to borrow her mom's car.

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