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After the events that took place in July, the town had gained the attention of the nation, and at some point the world's, media. In the weeks that followed the Battle of Starcourt (which Mike and the rest of the Party was referring it to), the reporters and news crews decended on them like vultures to a corpse.

They held special segments, interviewed almost everybody in the town  and followed them in the aftermath as the they tried to come to terms with how and why this happened...they even filmed the many funerals of those who lost their lives.

Jonathan had been right, they were using the lie of a ruptured gas line underneath the mall but with that explanation, came even more questiong. Between this, Will disappearance and the mysterious deaths of Barbara and Bob, people were starting to wonder how one small town could be so unlucky. Cursed.

It had gotten to the point where people, families with multiple generations, were upping and leaving.

And the Byers family was one of them.

With all that had happened; almost losing Will, losing Hopper, Joyce had understandably wanted to get the hell out. Samantha just wished that it wasn't California. And she was selfishly wishing that Jonathan didn't have to go too.

She's making her way through the empty living room, frowning at the lack of furniture, the absence of Will's drawings on the wall and when she reaches Jonathan's room, she hears Lucas and Max poking fun at Dustin and his girlfriend's impromptu radio concert - something they had missed because they were running for their lives but they had been assured that it had been incredibly funny.

Jonathan's stood in his almost empty room. All that was really left to be put in his car was a couple of boxes of tapes and a bunch of photographs.

She leans against the door, staying silent until he realises that she's there himself, wanting to give him his moment.

"Seventeen years of my life," he speaks quietly, startling her, "Packed up in one day."

Samantha crosses the room, pressing her lips to the fabric of his shirt, squeezing her eyes closed so she doesn't start crying.

"What is we hide?" she starts and he turns his head slightly, "Now that your stuff is out, I'm sure we could both fit in your closet."

His laugh disturbs the hairs on top of her head, "I think the new owners might kick us out when they find us."

She wraps his arms around his left one, resting her head on his shoulder, "What if we sneak you into my basement?"

"I'm sure your dad would love that."

She can't help but giggle. It was a known fact that her dad wasn't Jonathan's biggest fan these days. He was absolutely convinced that since she'd been hospitalised twice in the time they'd been dating, that it was somehow his fault.

It was Samantha's turn to look around his room now, eyes burning as she recalls all of the time she's spent here; listening to the mixtapes he'd made for her, making out when his mom and brother weren't around...the morning's she'd wake up beside him after spending the night.

Hearing her sniffles, Jonathan is quickk to wrap her back up in his arms, lips pressed against her forehead.

"I'll miss you," she chokes and his arms tighten around her.

"I'll miss you too," his words are mumbled against her forehead, "But it won't be long till you come visit."

She nods, it was only three months until Christmas and her parents (well, her mom) had agreed that she could travel to California to spend it with him and his family.

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