Chapter 5

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A/N: Hi to all of you who were reading this story. Thank you for supporting it and for patiently waiting when this will end. Hahaha. I was so encouraged by y'all. I was planning to finish this story at where Nayeon's POP will celebrate its 1 month. Sadly, I experienced the author's block again. Sorry for this late update. Thanks to the movie 'Persuasion.' I got inspired to write again and was also inspired to add some of the ideas from the film. I hope you enjoy them. I'll be reading your feedback in the comment section on your opinions about my 1st published short story.

PS. I'll upload later or tomorrow 


Days have passed, and Nayeon's new song hasn't won yet. Y/N was, of course, frustrated with this result. However, Nayeon was more frustrated than everyone. And because of what happened, during Y/N's free time, she's always at her Twitter fan account to vote for Nayeon's polls and through various applications that hold fan voting for Korean artists. On the other hand, Nayeon spends her time chilling and unwinding with someone to "release her stress" from consecutive weeks of losing.

ONCEs are doing everything for Nayeon to win to release the queen from the gloomy mood.

Nayeon stopped going to shows that hold the voting for new songs that were released. Nevertheless, that night, Nayeon still did not attend even if she finally won! Thanks to ONCEs' hard work, a fruit sprouted.


Y/N was working when she heard the news and suddenly rejoiced loudly because of her happiness. Her co-workers shushed her because she was being noisy from being joyful. Knowing that this is the first win indeed, she plans to have a dinner date with Nayeon to celebrate. She tried to call Nayeon, but the call always ended with no one answering. Y/N thought that maybe Nayeon was with the girls because they were celebrating on their own or busy with their new Japanese song and shooting the MV of it. So, when Y/N finishes her work, she plans to go and buy a bouquet for her lovely girlfriend and take her to dinner.


I finally finished work for today. It's time to go home to my woman.

While Y/N was packing her things from her desk, she received an unexpected text.

; Y/N-ah, did Nayeon contact you?

; She wasn't here in our dorm, and we need to prepare for the MV shoot in an hour.

; If ever she contacts you where she is, please tell us.

It was Jeongyeon who texted her. Y/N was surprised because this is not very Nayeon-like. After Y/N read the text she got, she immediately responded by calling.

Y: Hello, Jeongyeon?

J; Y/N-ah, is Nayeon there?

Y: I'm sorry, but she's not here. I also called her earlier to tell her the news about her winning, but she couldn't be reached.

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