Chapter 7: Part 2

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A/N: Heyow! I hope you all are still there. I know I've made you all wait, but here is the UD. The next UD will be probably on Sunday. Enjoy reading!


As Y/N enters the premises of their household, the girls' looks can't be described. Mixed feelings and emotions can be seen on their faces. Some are crying and wanting to hug Y/N already, but they know that they're not in a position to do that.

All their looks went to Nayeon.

"Hi, Nayeon-ssi." When her name came out from Y/N's mouth, her tears started to fall and so are her knees.

Y/N caught her before her knees could touch the ground. And then their eyes met.

Y/N saw in her eyes the longing and sadness of the Nayeon who loves the former. The old Nayeon who loves her the most. Y/N missed her.

Nayeon also saw from Y/N's eyes the longing but Nayeon frowned. There's a look in Y/N's eyes that she can't describe. And all of a sudden, she let out the words that made the girls facepalm.

"Is there someone new? Am I too late already?" She asked Y/N while trying to stop herself from crying.

However, Y/N just smiled.

"There isn't Nayeon-ssi. You're still the person who has the key to my heart."

That made Nayeon let out all the tears she was trying to hide from earlier as she hugged Y/N the tightest and warmest she could ever give.

"I'm so sorry for everything Y/N. Don't leave me again, please. I promised you I will be a better girlfriend; no, scratch that, I will be the best girlfriend you'll ever have. I will be worth it for you."

Y/N reciprocated Nayeon's hug tightly too. And utter the words Nayeon missed. "I missed you, My Nayeon."

The entire present person inside Y/L/N's household witnessed the second chance love Nayeon and Y/N was sharing. It made the girls' hearts melt.

However, Y/N's grandma interrupted the moment the starting-again couple was sharing. "Eherm, eherm. Girls, why don't you all go to the dining table and eat the dinner I prepared, while I talk with my grandchild first? After all, little miss over there took my Y/N away from me earlier. Hmph!"

All of them nodded and laugh, while Sana went to get Nayeon.

"I'll be there with you later, okay?" After Y/N whispered this to Nayeon, she kissed the latter's forehead and smiled.

"I love you." Those three words that Nayeon released, gave Y/N butterflies inside her stomach; as if they went back to when they were developing their feelings for each other from before.

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