mixed feelings

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Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud

Vegas POV

After i over heard the conversation between the three friends i felt somehow guilty and also a bit strange. Everything was new to me. 

People usually like me out of money or pure lust. It feels so new that someone i had barely talked to likes me. Specialy because everyone looks down on me in the major family. Even Porsche who i have to fake an interest in.

I sat down for a few minutes outside until i heard footsteps coming in my direction and i looked up.
-Khun Vegas. If you want to visit Pete he is over there. Room 151.
I noded and made my way through them to visit Pete.
I feel really weird knowing that Pete likes me very much or thats what his friend said at least.
When i arrived i stood by the door thinking of what i could possibly say but nothing came, so i just knocked and went in.
-Arm again? I have told you i am fine and Porsche i don't need more southern rice- he said laughing.
When he saw me coming intead, he frowned on bed staring at me without blinking.
-Khun Vegas- he said getting up at costs.
-Its fine Pete. You can lay down still. It doesn't bother me- i said.
-Khun Vegas i wanted to apologize for not doing my- i interrupted him.
-Pete its fine. If it wasn't for you my life could have been taken by that idiot. Thank you so much- i said genuinly smiling.
He visibly blushed and started to sttuter- cute- i said out loud.

Pete POV
I blushed so hard when Vegas blurted out that i was cute.
Does he actually find me cute?
-I am not cute- i said pouting because it seems like he is pulling a joke on me.
-You are, even now- he said chuckling.
I blushed more.
-Well about that, you don't have to thank me for anything. I was doing my duty following Khun Kinn and you- i said lowering my gaze from his.
-Were you only doing that or is that anything else- he asked smirking but it does seem sincere.
-What do you mean- i asked a bit embarassed.
-Well i don't know. It might be a matter of heart.
-Of what? I said coughing in my own saliva feeling nervous.
He laughed a bit and wished me the best walking away.
Vegas is always mysterious and i can't comprehend why. But that has always attracted me so i guess i'll just bear it.

A couple of hours have went by and i am feeling better so i am heading to the major family house. I was supposed not to but i begged Khun No so much that he let me go.

That also means i'll be watching dramas with him later cause he had to convice dr. Top and worse- Khun Kinn- to let me leave earlier in my condition. 

I had my rice but the nurses insisted i should eat the hospital food and took my rice away and hopsital food is disgusting. Even it smell makes me want to throw up. It's bad like that so i needed to come back as soon as possible.

But Khun No is understandive so he told me i would watch dramas with him only when i recover fully. I am resting on my room alone eating my beloved southern rice that i missed so much over the past couple of hours. 

I am going to sleep later because i am really sleepy plus Porsche is probably spending the night with Khun Kinn- they are like strong glue together. Nothing makes them tear apart- not even Vegas.

I wonder though if Vegas is truly interested on Porsche because today something felt off. It might be something up in my head but he didn't care about him at all after the mission and came after me inside the room which is odd enough.

Maybe i just need  few hours of sleep to feel better. My head is dizzy enough and i am not thinking straight anyway.

Vegas POV

Something is tingling in my head not letting me work peacefully. For some reason i keep  thinking about how cute Pete is, specialy when he smiles or blushes.

It's weird and bothers me greatly because i am NOT a person to fall in love ever but i can't help but find his charms really attractive. He is a diffrent breed. He is not like Porsche who you would think it's naturally attractive. He is more than that! 

He is really diffrent from everyone i have ever met. He is full of a polarity within him which makes him secretive but also obvious, and that instrigues me a lot. Porsche is just Porsche who loves and protects Kinn. There is something diffrent about Pete- that is something i am sure of.

I am going to the hospital to see him. My racionality tells me that's weird but something much stronger than all that pushes me to go foward.

I go inside the car and drive to the hospital fairly known by our great doctors who prioritize both of our families, though they obviously favour the major clan. 

I go into Pete's room direction only to find a nurse cleaning the room and taking away the bed sheets. He was supposed to be here for a bit longer so where is he? I am pretty sure that crazy of Tankhun forced him to go back since anyone else bears with me like his three bodyguards.

-Why has Pete left?- i asked greeting my teeth to the nurse.

-He asked to, Khun Vegas. He left a while ago- she replied politely carrying the sheets away and disapearing behind me.

I can't just pop on the major family house to see a random bodyguard so i am going to find more about it on my next meeting there. It's in a couple of days so it's most likely he feels better by then.

He is a strong guy surely, leaving the hospital like that as if he is the leader of the clan or something. In the end of the day he is loyal to the major family even if he loves me or whatever so again i don't stand a chance against them.

Not that i care because i obviously do not feel those type of things in my heart.

End of a new chapter. Because i took so much uploading my previous chapter here it is a new one to compensate you guys. Hope you enjoy everything and stay tuned for the next chapters because things are going to get interesting really soon.

Hope you have a lovely day BUBBLES


(btw i am going to call you BUBBLES (biblebuild fandom name) from now on so i don't have to approach you as "guys", it seems to distant. Bubbles is heart felt and lovely so see you again soon BUBBLES)

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