Without you

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Without you i feel suffocated, your absence hurts more than your presence
The author

Vegas POV
Pete places his lips on me and leaves. This means he left me.
I know everything we have been going through its tiring but honestly i am tired too and i wanted the best for him.
Now i am sure he will be safe without meddling with dangerous people.
He pushed me away because i done the same to him earlier and that's for the best.
I hope he waits for me because i will be waiting for him too. In the end we are meant to find each other.

I have been talking with my father links. I am meeting Khun Sanya today.

-Have a sit Khun- i say.
-You look just like your father- he says- its been a long time since he and i talked.
-I am directly to the point: do you know anything about my father and a woman named Love and a man named Pond? They are the parents of Porsche and Porschay!
(Changed their names btw so don't mind it)
-I should be asking you, why are you so interestee in your father's business? He is the head of the minor family still isn't it?
-What do you mean by business?- i ask frowning an eyebrow.
-Well they were involved in your father's business. Khun Love and Khun Pond even met each other because of your father.
-Wait what? So is there any blood correlation between my father and them?
-Uh? No. They were long lasting friends from high school and eventually Khun Pond came and met Khun Love. Your father was an older brother figure to Khun Love- he says calm.
-So Porsche and I aren't brothers?- i ask.
-Who told you such things? No obviously not.
When i was about to ask more questions Khun Sanya left the bar walking away.
I guess he has spoken too much already.
So I and Porsche are not brothers but my father was like a brother to Porsche's mom.
Then why didn't he do anything about the accident.
Something aint right and i will find out what this matter is about.

Porsche POV
-So you are telling me we are not brothers after all. Good because i was starting to worry about being blood related to my bae Kinn- i say to the person in front of me.
-So cheesy- he said rolling his eyes- don't worry i also don't feel like staying with you for long, good thing we are not blood related.
-We need to find more but how are things with Pete?
-He decided to give me time to handle this. I want him to be safe and this is the only option i found.
-Its fine! Don't worry too much. Pete is really fond of you. You will find your way back to each other.
-I hope so.
Vegas leaves my old house in his motorbike and i head to the major family.
As i head inside Pete is waiting for me at the door.

Pete POV
-Porsche wait.
-What Pete?
-Humm- i say hesitant- its just-
-Vegas is fine Pete, he is worried about you but he is doing well. He wants to protect me.
-Thank you Porsche. But can you promise me something?
-If anything dangerous happens you need to give me your word you will tell me- i say desperate.
-But Pete, Vegas wants the best for you- he said.
-And i want the best for him so just do it as i say please- i beg him.
-Fine- he says.
I walk away relived. I will keep an eye out but at least i know he is doing well.

I go to the gym to practice. I have to. I need to be in shape to whatever Vegas might go through. And for the major family too of course. Though i treasure Vegas much more i still love the major family very much.
Khun no is really special still so i need to take care of him too.
I am punching the box set so hard because i am venting all my anger out.
I want to talk to Vegas and be with him but i walked away and he wants me to be safe.
I can't just go back to him like that because he will not even allow that.
I am missing him so much but i don't even know if would want to meet with me.

Talking of which makes me want to know more about the truth so i can help him but its really complicated.
I am fucked up in all possible ways.
I want to help him but-
Wait i had a great idea.
I leave the gym and quickly try to find Porsche.

I come in the bedroom and luckily he is there. I ask him if he can help me  because i cant undress my sweaty shirt.
As he does i steal his phone and put it in my pocket.

-Pete you are all good now and i have to leave to find Kinn.
-See you later Porsche- i say smiling as if nothing happened.

I grab his phone. The code is obviously  Khun Kinn's birthday so its easy to go in.
I send a text to Vegas.

Bastard V
-Meet me in 10 minutes in my old house. SOS.

He will clearly show up. I hand outside picking up a car of the boduguard field as Khun Kinn wont meddle in my business and drive away.
As i drove there i hid the car and went inside since the gate was unlocked.
I hid in the busts waiting for Vegas to come in and when he did i dragged him aside.
He tried to free himself.
-Vegas is me calm down.
Vegas turns around startled.
-Pete how did you-
I show him Porsche's phone and he smirks.
-Well done Pete. But i asked you to leave this matter alone.
-I am not leaving you Vegas. I tought i could but not. I cant stand this. Even if i get hurt i want to be by your side. Its either this or i will never show up to you again ever.

Vegas POV
He looks me in the eyes deeply giving him a last shot.
Not having Pete at all is scarier than having him by my side even if its worse for his safety.
-You win this time Pete. But you have to promise me you will take care of you.
-I will- he smiled and placed his lips on me fondly.
-I love you Pete.
-I love you Vegas.
He hissed me.
-I missed you asswhole🥺
-I missed you too Pete🥺

End of chapter. This took a bit long cause i am in a really stressful time and i am kinda of trying to relax a bit and use my free time with other things so i am sorry for the late update. I will try to upload sooner this time i promise.
Bear with me. Thank you for everything 🥺💞 all your lovely comments make me go foward💞

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