Traitors must die

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Betrayal is worsen when it comes from someone you love
The author

SOOO i want to do a Q&A time so you get to know your author better. I don't want to be just a loose author in your library but a friend (my dms are always open). So if you would like to have me answering any question (as many as you want) tell me because i will answer them all!!) Now back to the storie. Ahh btw personal questions are allowed!)

The story, specialy this chapter and following ones are diffrent from the original one and i am making it as i want it.

Vegas POV
I come in the car and leave Kim by our safe place so he can discuss what happened with Pete, Chay and Porsche.
I am heading home to plan things with my father.
If i can destroy the major family i should do it.

Pete POV
-Khun Kim so you are saying your father was the responsible of their parents death. Khun Korn?- i ask umcofortable.

The weirdest thing is that Vegas didn't come here. Why wouldn't he? This is definitly suspicious. If he is doing something by himself i will kill him.
If he is trying to keep things for himself and breaks our trust for each other i will definitly punch him.
Though it would probably hurt me too.
I am calling him right now i don't care.

-Why aren't you here? Everyone knows what happened and you should be here. This was your plan to begin with Vegas- i say angrily.
-I have things to handle here back at home- he says as if nothing happened.
-You do understand how fucking serious this is Vegas? Your uncle killed Porsche's parents. Porsche is trying to knock someone off and Kim and Chay are a crying mess- i shout.
-Pete look i really cant help. That is their problem. The major family never cared for us in the first place- Vegas says pretentiously.
-W-What? So you are saying you done all of this and now that things look good for you, you'll just run off? Really?- i shout angrily again.
Everyone is looking at me confused but i carry on with the conversation.
-Pete you don't know what its like to be in my shoes. You have no right to judge me- Vegas says calm.
-Then i will not judge you but don't talk to me either.
I hang up the phone fuming.
Everyone waiting for me to say anything but i keep chewing my bottom lip.

-So?- Porsche breaks the silence.
-He said this is a major family matter, no involving the minor family- i sigh- that bastard.
-You gotta be fucking kidding me- Porsche yells angrily.
-I am going to kill them all- Porsche says angrily punching the wall.
Kim glares at me holding a still crying mess Chay is right now and i just look at everyone in dispair.

-I will comfront him. And don't even try to stop me, Pete. I had enough of this stupid family- Porsche says walking away with a gun.
-But what about Khun Kinn?- i ask voice breaking.
-Lets see where he stands- He said.
-Wait. I am going with you.
I follow Porsche and we drive to the major family house.
Whatever happens i will not let the people i love die. I will be their shield.

Vegas POV
I drive home hurriedly and break in my father's office.
-Pa! My plan worked. We can finally take over the major family- i say excitedly.
-What do you mean Son? This better not be another of your failures- he says harshly.
-I helped Porsche finding out the past of his parents entagled with the major family as you asked me and it worked. Everything is working in our favour. He will comfront Korn. This will definitly bring Kinn down and then we can attack- i say proud.
I can see his lips forming a smile and i feel warm for the first time.
-Son! Its our time of glory- he said laughing like a maniac.
We have to prepare- he says.
-Will this not affect you- i ask him.
-Dead people are dead, but people alive can change the curse of things. We have to prepare the army Vegas. Call everyone.

I am on my way to call everyone but a smile flashes across my mind thinking of Pete.
I know we are not in good terms but this is a minor family matter and he should not be involved anyways.
As long as he is loyal to me i will do everything in my power to protect him. He needs to understand. I hope he does.
He will.
All of our guards are in their best strenght and we are already moving and planning our strategy.

Meanwhile in the major family house
Porsche POV
I storm into Khun Korn's office holding a gun and already sweating nervously.
Kinn is there beside him drinking whiskey and P'Chan is standing still in his usual spot.
I ignore everyone and walk onto Khun Korn holding a gun.
I point a gun at his face directly with the urge to shoot him.
Pete right behind me.

-Porsche. What are you doing?- Kinn asks confused and desperate.
I ignore his remarks and look into his father eyes.
-You killed my parents didn't you? You made them suffer. You let them bleed right underneath your hands. Today you will day in my hands you bastard- i shout at him frenetically.
-Porsche- Kinn tries to deceive me.
-Stop being a fucking stupid puppet Kinn. Cant you see he is manipulating you?- i shot angrily at him.
His expression frowning in desbelief and sadness.
-I will pull this trigger so just fucking say something.
P'Chan doesn't motion as Khun Korn ordered him from the beginning.
-I didn't kill your parents Porsche, they brought death to their lives- he says bluntly.
-They what- i ask shouting and half crying.
-They were the responsible ones Porsche.
They didn't kept quiet about us and i had no other choice- he says.
-They trusted you, you fucking liar.
I place myself nearer him and place the gun right in his forehead.
-I gave you this life to make it up for that Porsche.
-You dumb rich people really think i will accept this bullshit? I would rather have a normal life with my parents- i shout in desbelief.
Kinn looks between us and the only words he motions are
-Pa what.
Suddenly many gun shouts can be heard from outside and loud bangs.
Vegas is probably here.
War has started.

Bubbles end of chapter!! Thank you so much for your endless support and love in this and my previous fics.
Hope you guys like this craziness. Love you all and hope you all are having a great time.
Don't forget to leave me a question about anything here, my dms, my wall wherever you want.
Thank you in advance!!
XOXO❤️😭 BTW for those worried abt me this week i felt much better and i am doing much better mentally. Thank you ❤️

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