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Here's my second work. As you always know it's an omega verse with omega Harry and alpha Louis.

🧀older harry
🧀younger Louis.
With a side ship of Niam

Enjoy and let me know your feedback.


Harry was so exhausted in the early morning and this flu was killing him. This rainy season was not something he could cope with. The runny nose was making his breathing shallow and his coworkers and interns weren't helping at the moment.

The kitchen and the sounds of clattering utensils!



Choking on dried spices!

Steam and burn from the oven!

The whistling of the pressure cooker!

These were some of those moments when he regretted his decision of becoming a chef. After ten years of working as a head chef, he contemplated that this kitchen is going to be his beginning and climax.

He wiped his hands in the towel hanging on the wall, a kerchief covering his nose and mouth and nose. He was in his work uniform a white button-down and black pants. The clock on the wall read seven in the evening. His shift had come to an end at the restaurant. He exhaled a long breath.

This was his life.

Waking up in the morning. Going to work. Getting home back in the night. Repeat.

"Okay, guys. I'm off. See you tomorrow, good night." He waved off his colleagues and rushed toward his cabin. He opened the door and ripped the toque off of his head, taking off his work clothes in a hurry. He took his phone in his hand as it chimed. A text.

"Hey, r u free rn? Just wanted to meet ya. Coffee bay. I'll be there in half an hour. see u there, babe.x"

Harry smirked to himself as he saw the text. Alex, it was the alpha harry was now dating. It's been barely six months. Harry met Alex at a food expo that was conducted at his administration in their restaurant and Alex was impressed by the master brain of the programme, which was Harry.

Alex was a lawyer, a wealthy forty-one-year-old alpha who also happened to be a divorcee. He was always in his tailored suit and was clean-shaven. Harry interpreted that the alpha did not like the facial hair. He was not too outspoken and had a salt and pepper look which Harry found hot.
He calculated that Alex was the guy his omega was yearning for all his life, which he considered rethinking.

"I'll be there soon. Just finished my work. Wait 4 me. "

Harry put his phone in his backpack before he checked out himself in the mirror. He ran his right hand through his short curly strands. He mesmerized his young age when he had long hair that was grown down to his shoulder blades and his manicured nails were embellished with colours. He heartily missed those days and huffed out a breath, dressing up in his casual wear which was a blue t-shirt and baggy jeans. He walked toward his car ready to set off for his boyfriend.


He was seated opposite Alex just sipping the wine. It was still raining out there occasionally breaking their uncomfortable silence. The dim yellow light of the cafe was vague as Harry's thoughts. He felt like there was a fence built between them, so heavy. They had nothing to say even after seeing each other for long two weeks. Alex glanced over him, coughing.

"Harry, why aren't you saying anything, babe? " Alex asked, anxiety meshing over his voice.

"Alex, It's just I don't think I could ever be happy in this relationship. Either you're always busy or me. It's just-" Harry inhaled deeply." It doesn't work like this Alex, I can't. I think we should break up. Nothing is right between us." He stuck his gaze on the spaghetti on the plate, mindlessly digging into the plate.

SOMETHING in the RAIN.   [L.S/abo] -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now