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Harry took a deep breath and pressed his index finger to the doorbell switch. The absolute noisy crackling sound of the bell resonated within the house. He hated the sound when he lived in the house, mentioning there is going to be some annoying guests on the doorstep. Now the bell ringed for him. He was the guest in his childhood home.

Anne, his lovely mother opened the door for him with a heartwarming smile. Her eyes welled up as she stared at her beloved pup, engulfing him in an imperishable hug.

"Oh, Harry, my sweet child! You came". She muttered the smile never leaving her face.

Harry buried his nose in the crook of his mother's neck, Inhaling her calming scent and warmth only his mother could provide. God, how much he missed this!

"You fine, mom?" Harry asked her detaching himself from the bracket of her arms. She nodded and pulled him towards the living room. The aroma of lettuce, hot freshly cooked meat of the beef stew, fried rice and many more items his mom made invaded his nostrils.

The scent of his home!

His eyes gleamed as he spotted his Dad sitting on the sofa leaning on his back. He rushed and took a seat beside his father, hugging him.

"Dad, I missed you". He crushed the old man in his embrace. He hugged his son back with equal force.

"My boy, I missed you too. You could have at least called me. I'm mad at you"

"I know you can't stay mad at me, Mr Desmond Styles," Harry said with a wide grin on his face, kissing his father's forehead afterwards.

"Okay, you just entered and robbed my dad all for yourself, you little fucker." Harry titled his head and spotted his sister, Gemma.

"Are you tryna kill me, Gems? "

"I was going to. You forget your family and are always away from us!"

"You all are annoying as fuck. I told you, I was busy lately. Now I'm here, no? Give it a rest.". He rolled his eyes with a huff and tried to hug her. She put her hands in front of him making a barrier.

" you stink. Now go and take a bath. I'm so hungry now and we can have food together."

When he got out of the shower, everything was served on plates waiting for his arrival.

"Mom, you made a Christmas dinner. I can't eat all these."

"No excuses, Harry! You'll eat everything I served. Look at you! you look so tired. I know you'll not be having food on time." She continued her banter as she served more food on the plate. Harry knew if he did not stop her now, his plate will be filled and he will die today his tummy exploded.

He plopped down on the sofa beside his father after their heavy meal, relaxing.

"So you're telling me that you and Alex broke up". Gemma took his secret out in front of his mother.

"Harry, what? You two broke up! Why? ". His revelation startled his mother, he can read it from her voice.

"He didn't feel right, Mom. He is not the one." He simply lied. He didn't want Anne to be upset by the fact that her son was being cheated on.

"But I thought you were getting along and-"

"Don't make him more upset, Anne. If my boy doesn't feel right about that alpha, he doesn't need him. Do what you think is good for you, Harry." Desmond stated hugging his son close. Harry wrapped his arms around him. This was all he need after those exhausting experiences.

"Everything is silly for you father and kids. What about my worries? Harry, you're forty in six months and not even married yet. All your friends from school found a mate and some of them even have Grandchildren. I've concerns for my only omega baby." She started sobbing at this point. Watery eyes looking at him pleadingly. Oh, God! He hated that.

SOMETHING in the RAIN.   [L.S/abo] -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now