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The older omega tilted his vision onto the side where the voice was coming from, Louis copying his actions. He was not one to get rage on simple matters but the mere sight of this alpha made him annoyed to extinct. He was not ready to start anything all over again, not in a public place. He should have known that Alex would never leave him alone so easily. But he can't let the alpha snatch away the tiny bit of peace left within him.

He strolled forward without even looking back yet the voice continued to pierce the atmosphere. He walked towards his car, Louis by his side. He knew the boy was frowning beside him, desperately trying to catch up with Harry.

"Me. Styles.... Mr. - Harry.... That man is calling out for you... He is..." The boy jumped beside the older omega as the man approached them. Harry put his bag on the back seat and gestured for Louis to get in.

"But that man-"

"He is not bothering you, is he? He is calling out for me, so what? Get in the fucking car already, boy!" He snapped cutting off the puzzled younger alpha's speech.

"Is that your husband?" Louis asked mischief and wonder prominent in his blue orbs.

"What?" Harry stayed stunned.

"Yeah, he is. I've seen him with you outside the cafe the other day. Isn't that him?" Harry could not help but roll his eyes at the boy's remark. This boy observes the things he doesn't need to observe only.

"Now keep quiet, get in, and put the seatbelts on!" Harry ordered opening the door of the driver's seat. He assumed the boy was not ready to give up. Louis was chuckling softly forming crinkles surrounding his azure orbs beside the door of the passenger seat.

"I don't mind, Harry! I can wait. You go and talk to him." Louis suggested shrugging his shoulder. "I know it's a usual thing between couples. It happens between my Mom and Dad too. They're like argue one moment and that ends up in fucking the next moment then comes out of their room all lovey lovey-dovey." He exhaled intensely.

"For God's sake Louis, I don't want to know about your mom and dad fucking. Now, come on I've no time to waste."

"But your hus-"

"He is not my fucking husband. He was my boyfriend for what, like six months. We broke up two months ago cause he was cheating on me! Now he is after me for months and I have no time to tolerate his pathetic ass and apologies." He screeched at the younger alpha and the lad just stood there dumbstruck, mouth wide open.

"Y-you are n-not married... Hus-boyfriend... Wh-what?" Louis's mind was whirling now and Harry was not ready to answer any of his doubts.

"Get in so I don't have to talk to him!" Louis nodded and got inside the car. A know was heard from the windshield when Harry was about to drive off.
Okay, the hazard is near now and he decided to face it anyway.

"Oh, Harry! Thank you... I just want to talk to you, babe!" Alex smiled displaying his teeth. But somehow Harry managed to notice the bafflement laced on his features from darting towards Louis.

"Okay. What do you want to talk about? Talk now!"

"We can't! Come with me. We can sit somewhere private!" Alex proposed lowering his voice.

"Why not here? Either here or not!" Harry was getting impatient. He knew that Louis was watching this whole scene glancing between him and Alex from time to time.

Alex sighed defeated.

"Alright, I have only one request. Gimme one more chance!" The alpha pleaded, squinting his eyes and watching only Harry through his spectacles.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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