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The nasty tone of the alarm interrupted Harry's deep slumber. He ripped open his eyes, squinting at the beam of sun rays flashing through the window. He found himself only in panties under the duvet. Memories of Niall helping him to take all of his clothes off flashed through his subconscious mind. He grumbled and got out of bed wiping his eyes and drooling in the corner of his mouth.

It took fractions of minutes to gain his usual self. The throbbing headache due to the hangover was killing him. Glimpses of the previous night flickered through his mind.

Everything that happened was too heavy to digest even if it was not a fresh occurrence.

Alex, breakup, club, drinks, Niall..........

Everything was the same except Alex. That chapter was ended now.

He huffed and looked at the clock. Half past nine. He only had thirty minutes to get ready. Before that, he needs to get his shit together.

He chose a grey hoodie and loose jeans from his wardrobe as it was so cold outside from the rain of yesterday night. He was already running late and the ringing phone made him even more annoyed. He looked at the screen, scoffing.

"What is it, mum?" He tucked the phone between his left ear and shoulder, stuffing his bag with his essentials. He rechecked everything and shut the door behind him.

"Why so urgent Harry? Won't you even have time to talk to your mother? It's been a week since you called me last, My boy. Do you even remember me?" He truly knew that she was going to fake some cries after this talk. Emotional blackmailing was something he could never put up with.

"Mum, I'm seriously running late. I'm not up for this drama. So come to the point." He was looking out for a taxi, after getting a sandwich for him. He hurriedly unwrapped the sandwich as soon as he entered the cab.

"Your sister is coming over here today. It's been a year, Harry since you both came here together. Call me greedy if I'm asking for so much that I only want my two pups in my home together." He pinched his eyebrow munching on his breakfast. He has always wondered where he got all his dramas from. Then here's the answer.

"Okay, okay. No need for this much dialogue. I'll be there when my shift ends. Send my love to Dad." He did not wait for a reply. He would deal with his mother's all q&a when he gets their home.

The taxi was stopped in front of the restaurant he was working. He had to collect some files regarding his work and salary sheets three blocks away from his workplace. Fuck, now he had to walk to get them if he wanted to submit it to his boss today. He gritted his teeth. What a nice, wonderful morning!

He thanked the receptionist before getting out of the office and paced in urgency to get to work. It was already ten-thirty now.

A boy on a bicycle circled him in the middle of nowhere only to boost his utter annoyance. He could not take a step further as the boy was interjecting his way. He furrowed his brows and glared at the boy.

The boy's smile grew wide when Harry looked up at him. Crinkles form on the sides of the eyes. Feathery light brown hair was matted on his forehead. But the boy seemed familiar somehow. His ocean blue orbs were gleaming and Harry did not have any time to waste on this childish act of these crazy teenagers ( of course, He was a grown man. He could tell the boy was barely seventeen or eighteen by his appearance.) Harry shook his head. The boy was an alpha for sure. He had seen so many of them around this age, their insane alpha hormones of this growing age had made them do the most nonsense things ever.

Who was this boy? Harry suppressed his wrath, he was not the one to calm his anger by taking it out on little kids. He moved forward without giving a fuck to the lad.

SOMETHING in the RAIN.   [L.S/abo] -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now