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"Leave. We ended all of it. Then what do you want?" Harry crossed his arms in front of his chest, breathing heavily looking at the man, poking the insides of his cheeks with his tongue.

"Harry, that was a silly mistake. Can you give me a second chance, please? We can do better, babe!" Alex begged him which made him even more disgusted towards the alpha.

Was this guy this thick? Why was he not understanding him?

"I'm not interested in repeating myself. Get the fuck out of my face!" He yelled in a whisper as he was not ready to invite the attention of those curious eyes around them. Harry felt more relieved when he dashed back to the cafe without even looking back, completely abandoning the man's presence.

"What are y'all looking at? Do your job." He screamed at the workers.

He wanted to take a deep breath and clear out his mind.

He looked over every corner of the cafe. A scene simply caught his eye.

This boy!

He rolled his eyes. Niall was right. This little shit is going to be a headache for him. Shamelessly flirting with a customer!

"Tomlinson, over here!" He ordered the alpha and gestured with his middle and index finger to him to come near. He observed how he busted the bubble around the lad and he looked at Harry with a perplexed expression. Anyway, he found the alpha nearing him.

"What were you doing there?" He questioned with a hard glare enjoying how the boy was squirming at his firm words.
"Was that a part of your job?"

The lad kept mum.

"Answer me!" Again no reply. Harry inhaled deeply before staring into the hard blue eyes.

"I explained all the rules before you entered into the work. Do you think what you did was right? Flirting with a customer! I warned you before that any kind of nuisance -"

"Alright, but it's okay for you to have your husband over during work time? Do these rules work for all?" Louis cleverly intruded on Harry's lecture leaving him flabbergasted.

"What?" Harry shook his head taking a moment to stomach the boy's sudden accusations.

"I said what I said! The rules here apply to you as well. I saw you've been talking with your husband outside." Harry stayed silent looking deep into his eyes, Louis did not strive to break the gaze either. Harry let out a deep sigh. He was not responsible for answering a mere teen.

"That's none of your business." Harry huffed. He should have listened to Niall's warnings.


"Harry, I'm so sorry for"

"It's Mr Styles for you! I told you a hundred times"

"Please don't fire me! " Louis pleaded with his best innocent and honest expression draping his face. He will die starving if he loses this only way to survive.

Harry nodded and Louis took his chance to turn it in his favour.

"Mr Styles, my best friend is looking for a job too. I was wondering if you could hire him for a part-time job here for students."

"I don't know if could hire that one if he is your friend. I can guess his character if that one is your best mate. I have to think".
Harry walked away from the boy.

Louis was not fond of Mr Styles at all. How can someone be this arrogant? No doubt that his mother isn't friends with that omega.

"Are you plotting something about Mr Styles, Louis?" The sudden invasion of the sweet voice startled him causing him to look back. The smell of jasmine oil intruded on his senses which Louis was not a fan of. His eyes met with a pair of brown irises, his only best buddy in that place,
Levi. He smiled at his peer as the boy stepped toward him.

SOMETHING in the RAIN.   [L.S/abo] -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now