I can help.

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At the Illuminati headquarters, Stan passes through a spacious atrium, escorted by the four bots. Hands still bound, he follows them up a wide staircase. They stop outside a door which opens automatically.

Two of the bots shove Stan inside, the doors close, leaving Stan alone in darkness. He steps forward into a lit chamber, where six high back chairs sit on a elevated platform.

On the platform, Bud walks to the center chair which sits empty. "Stanley Pines, you are now called before the Illuminati. I, Bud Gleeful, do hereby-"

"Yea, I know your name." Stan interrupts, but a shield shoots past Stan then ricochets off a back wall and into the owners hand.

"Captain Corduroy. The known hero." She sits beside a masked man, "Blendin Blandin. The first to travel between realities."

"Blendin Blandin? Huh. Did your parents hate you?" Stan asks, making Blendin frown at him.

"Captain Northwest. Defender of the cosmos." Her mask disappears, showing her face. "And the one to erase memory itself, Blind Ivan from the Society of the Blind Eye."

"Hello, Stanley." He says, but Stanley ignores that. "Society of the Blind Eye?.. Where have I.. Oh! Your the ones who gave those powers and titles to my great niece and nephew! Now I still don't care about you."

"I'm sorry, is this a joke to you?" Pacifica raises a brow, "Well, there's a guy over there with parents who hate him, so, yeah, a little bit." Blendin puts a finger in front of his mouth.

"Be grateful Blendin doesn't engage you in conversation." Wendy tells him. "Why? Does he have bad breath?" Stan asks, now making Blendin glare at him.

"This Stanley is even more arrogant than ours." She smiles to Pacifica, who smiles back. "No, just more alive." Pacifica looks at him, "For now."

"Stanley, your arrival here confused and destabilizes reality. The larger the footprint you leave behind, the greater the risk of an Incursion." Blind Ivan tells him.

"Incursion?" Stan repeats, turning his body to face him. "An Incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes and they collide, destroying one or both entirely."

"You're family created the Illuminati to make difficult decisions that no one else could. Today, we're here to determine what to do with you and the child."

"So, before we vote, if you got anything serious to say, now's the time." Pacifica tells him, "Yeah, I do. If it's Incursion you're worried about, do you seriously think I'm a bigger threat than the Sapphire Witch?" Stan asks, a little annoyed.

"Oh, we can handle your little witch if he decides to Dreamwalk." Pacifica tells him, making Stan laugh a bit. "No. No, you cannot. Not unless you give me The Book of Vishanti."

"We appreciate your concern. Stanley, but it's not the Sapphire Witch that we fear. From our experience, the greatest danger to the Multiverse, ir turns out, is you, Stanley Pines."

This makes Stan burst out laughing, "I'm sorry, me? Me, Stanley Pines? The biggest con man in the world is dangerous?" He laughs harder.

After a couple of minutes, he calms down, but is still snickering. "We're glad you find this funny, cause it won't be after our vote." Pacifica informs him, obviously showing that she dislikes him.

"Right, well, that's just the stupidest thing I ever heard. And I hear a lot of stupid shit. But this is just.. absolutely bullshit." Stan points out, "It's not even my twin brother or my great nephew that you're afraid of, it's me."

"We should tell him the truth." Blind Ivan and Pacifica glance to the side where a god looking person walks in. "And our final member.." Bud says, "Axolotl." The person faces Stan.

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