Ch. 3

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"And I have to do this because?" I look at the papers in front of me, raising a brow at my assistance.

"Because the rumors are affecting this company's image Ms. Abara, we have to find something to improve it and fast."

"Rumors are always going to be a thing, and when the truth comes out everything will be alright so why now?" I mutter, tired of the same gossip over and over again.

"Because we are losing clients Ms. Abara, this isn't a good thing for us."

"I understand that," I say reluctantly before shoving back the papers to my assistant. "But why do I have to go to this meeting?"

"Because having the CEO goes shows how important the matter is, it will be easier."

"And when is that meeting?"

"Tomorrow at 5 pm,"

I nod and type the CEO's name on my iPad.

Adonis Vos.

I know a bit about his company, it's basically a monopoly. A big-name broadcasting company that controls what news gets shared, what shows go on, and what to commercialize. It's also a very trustworthy company.

Having them work on this project with us will help us tremendously, especially since Mr. Vos has issues with journalism. To have him not only commercialize but to also partner with us in this big project will be a good for the company.

I have no doubt that I would be able to convince him since we are more than just journalism but looking at his picture, he seems familiar and I don't like that.

"Do I have any important meeting tomorrow?"

"No, nothing a lot of clientele canceled."

I ignore the look of pity and nod. "I'm not coming to the office tomorrow and will attend the meeting, alone."

"Are you s-sure ma'am?"

I send a glare at the people in front of me, tired of this committee already. "I will make sure to send a recap email to you all, after the meeting."

"Yes, Ms. Abara." They say and leave the office.

I look back at the picture. His brown eyes caught my attention it was soft unlike the rest of his body, he had a tight lip smile and nice dark hair that framed his face.

He's pretty, I like pretty.

I just can't figure out where I know him from.


"You are such a cry baby,"

"Am not, it was a very sad movie, look how cute they are."

"Bitch please, it's not that serious you're just emotional as fuck."

"Better than being heartless,"

"Even Psyche didn't cry, that's how you know it ain't that fucking serious?"

"Huh?" I say, the sound of my name pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn around and look at the girls, Imani was rolling her eyes while Aliyah was drying her tears.

"I take it you weren't paying attention then?" Imani says looking at me concerningly.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something," I mutter giving them an apologetic smile. "What are we talking about."

"Imani is teasing me for crying about the movie," Aliyah sniffles, still emotional. "You agree with me right, it is a very sad movie."

"Yeah, I cried the first time I watch it too," I answer truthfully. I'm just a sucker for romantic movies. "I don't blame you."

"Ha, see your ass is the only heartless one." Aliyah celebrates, earning another eye roll from the dark skin while I laugh.

"What are you thinking about anyway?" Imani asks me, and I sigh knowing can't come up with a lie quick enough.

"Nothing serious, just this guy." I cringe at the girls' expressions. Aliyah was squealing while Imani had her mouth open in shock.

"Wait just a moment, Jasmine is here," Aliyah commands running to the front door and opening it, dragging our other friend and sitting her on the couch.

Jasmine looks bewildered by Aliyah's roughness, she barely managed to take off her shoes before she was dragged to the group. "Damn nigga what's the rush?"

"Psyche is thinking about a GUY." Aliyah squeals again, and now it was Jasmine's turn to look shocked.

"You're fucking lying," Jasmine says grabbing my hand. "Spill every fucking thing."

"It's not that serious, just someone I have a meeting with tomorrow?"

"What's his name?" Imani asks, pulling out her phone.

"Adonis Vos,"

Seconds later she finds him.

"Oh he's pretty," Aliyah says looking at Imani's phone. "Not my type though, why are you thinking about him?"

"He looks familiar but I can't place my finger on it."

"I mean he's a CEO so maybe you've seen him in one of those CEO things you go to." Jasmine comments and I nod, maybe that is it.

"He also has a nice reputation so you probably saw him on TV or just social media and your subconscious remember." Imani theorizes.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"He could also be the man of your dream and now that you see him in real life, you finally recognize him." We laugh at Aliyah's theory.

"Oh Aliyah, always the hopeless romantic." Jasmine teases and we all laugh even more.

"Why are you meeting with him anyway?"

"Trying to find a way to better the company's reputation by commercializing it," I answer, the mood ruined.

"Because of what happened?" Jasmine says with full understanding. I nod and everyone else does the same.

I feel my eyes sting, thinking of the event.

"Enough with the sappy shit, let's watch some fucking anime." Aliyah squeals taking the remote and putting on the current show we were watching.

"Why are you late?" Imani asks Jasmine.

"I had a dick appointment."

At Jasmine's word, Aliyah turns the tv off again and jumps on the poor girl. "Tell us, every fucking thing, NOW."

We all laugh again, the mood changing back to lighthearted as Jasmine starts telling us about her latest conquest.

I send Imani a thankful smile for fixing the mood. She nods in return.



The picture on top is all three of Psyche's friends.

The Peace sign is Jasmine.

The Middle is Aliyah (imagine she is light skin with freckles and but it's covered by makeup)

The Last one is Queen Imani.

Updated: 18 July 2022

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