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10 Years Later 


"We're so late," she groans looking at her watch, legs bouncing up and down.

All these years and she still acts the same, "We'll be fine, she'll understand."

At my words her eyes roll and she takes a break from fixing her lipstick to glare at me.

"What?" I ask failing to hide the small smile on my face.

"How is she going to understand that I'm late because he father wanted to have a not so quick quicky."

"I was just going to tell her that we ran into traffic, but if you want to tell her how you teased me all morning thinking you wouldn't pay, be my guess."

A dramatic gasps comes out of her, "Tease you? Moi?"

"You really want to go there my love?" I lean over to whisper in her hair. "I gave you countless of time to stop it, and not once did the safe word leave that pretty mouth of yours."

"Traffic it is," She sighs pulling out her phone to call Zosia.  laugh at her fluttered state and bring my attention to the road, giving her a break.

I had enough for today, no need to torture her more.

"Momma P, where are you guys?" Zosia whines through the speaker phone.

My heart warms at the name Zosia's name for Psyche, I remember the first time she called her that. Zo was seven years old, it was three years into our relationship, both Psyche and I cried.

We were worried that Kayla would be mad at that nickname but she didn't mind at all.

"We're five minutes away sweetheart, there's heavy traffic so sorry."

"That means you're fifteen minutes away," Zo sighs. "Just be here before she walks."

"Aye aye captain." I answer.

For a fourteen year old, Zosia sure is bossy. With her, Psyche, and Sarah all I do in the house is listen and hand over my debit cards.

Not that I'm complaining but being overpowered in my house is not always pretty.

We're heading to Sarah's, Psyche's cousin and our adopted daughter, graduation. I remember when I first saw Sarah, it was during Psyche's family reunion. She was fourteen years old, and carrying multiple plates with no help from the so called men in her family.

She ran away from home  and came to our doorstep at sixteen when he parents was trying to marry her off to someone she didn't want. Her parent's didn't care when Psyche and I took her in, a small part of me thinks her mom is happy that Sarah got the opportunity she didn't have. 

I treat Sarah like my own, my heart breaks every time I think of the things she went through. Zo is fourteen now, and I can't even begin to image treating her the way Sarah was treated. 

Both Zosia and Sarah formed a bond, they're basically inseparable. Even when Sarah went to college, the girls always made time for each other.  Zo was the more outgoing of the two and she is ready to fight anyone, and I mean anyone that makes her sister cry. 

"Are you crying?" 

"Just thinking about our girls," 

Psyche wipes away my tears and hum in understanding, holding my hand in hers sending electricity through my body. We've been together for ten years, and her touch never change. 

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