Ch. 14

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It's been three months since our project went live, and today was a progress meeting at V.O.X to see how everything has been going for both companies. 

It's also been three months since Adonis asked me to be  his girlfriend and he's been nothing but a bliss. We haven't had time to go on a formal date since that dinner, because it's also been a  month of interviews, and media watching us closely. Wonders client base has grown and we have been busy, the busiest we ever been since the Cinderella story broke out. 

We were all sitting in the conference room waiting for Adonis and Theodore to come from a meeting they had earlier. The others were having small talk while I looked over the presentation. 

Twenty minutes later, Theodore and Adonis walked in the room. Adonis looking as pretty as ever, not a wrinkle in his suit and Theodore shuffling behind him, caring multiple documents in his hands. 

Adonis hatred for technology remains a mystery to all of us. 

Adonis took a seat next to me, his hand discreetly going on my thigh to giving me a squeeze. I learned that Adonis love language is physical touch, he always find a way to touch me, whether it's deliberately walking pass me and 'moving me out of the way', brushing my hand, touching my thighs under the table during meetings. 

I never was a physical touch girl, when it came to relationships. I'm touchy with my friends but never with people I'm dating because they get the wrong idea, but with him, he was different. He went at my own pace and I appreciated that. 

The meeting started and I felt at peace, listening to the progress we made. It wasn't perfect, we will always get backlash but we had a bigger audience supporting us to really care. 

Midway to through the meeting I feel my ears ring, and suddenly silence, mouths were moving but I couldn't hear anything. I try to not let my irritation show, to not throw off the meeting process. I'll just rely on Anne's notetaking skills to get through this. 

Accepting my fate, I keep a neutral face and act like I'm paying attention. Only for my chair to be turn and facing Adonis who raise his brow at me. I point at my implants and make the motion to be turned back but he keeps a firm hold on me. 

He turns to the others and say something I could not make out since his mouth wasn't in my line of sight, then he turn back to me and does something that took my breath away. 

He started signing what was being said. 

I'm sure the shock on my face was evident as I watch his hand moves, they weren't perfect and he was missing some words but based on the stuff I could make out, I got an idea of what was being sad. 

He was silent, brows furrowing as he focus on what he was signing. We stayed like that until the meeting was over, my implant still not working. 

Once everyone start leaving, it was just us and our secretaries who knew about our relationship. Adonis tells Anne to set an appointment for me and we leave for his office. 

The moment he close his door I pull him into a big hug making him stumble back a bit. This is the first time, I initiated the hug. 

"When did you learn how to sign?" I asked pulling back. 

"Since meeting you," He signed and mouthed. "I'm no good yet."

My eyes widen in aw as I look at him, his face was red as if he was embarrassed that I found out his secret. I do the unthinkable, I pull him into a kiss that stun him at first. His hand slide on my back, he starts reciprocating but I pull back before that. 

"Sorry," I let out feeling flustered and embarrassed. "I got to go." 

I rush out, leaving him standing in his office stun. I ignore the looks I was getting and made my way out to my car. 

Why did I do that? 

While pulling out of the parking lot, I got a message from Anne saying that my appointment was set and I could go to the doctor for a new implant right now. 

"Why did you wait for the very last minute to come to me Ms. Abara?" He lectures me and I roll my eyes, feeling grateful that I could finally hear. 

"I've been busy uncle, and I forgot." I explain but he didn't care. 

Once he starts lecture mode, he doesn't stop. I sigh, already regretting the fact that I can hear again. I know for a fact he purposefully waited for me to be able to hear so he can start his lectures. 

Half an hour later I was finally allowed to leave his office. I don't know how my cousin deal with him, I love him and all but he turns everything into a lecture. 

I went straight home, changing into my work-out gear and going out for a run, ignoring the messages that Adonis sent me. I felt guilty for running away from him and I didn't know how to explain to him why I acted the way I did. 

Kissing him was a spur of the moment, and I didn't hate it. But how can I explain to him, that when he pulled me close to him and I felt how excited the kiss got him, it scared me. 

How do I explain to him that now I feel like the kiss opened a gate to our relationship that I'm not ready for. A gate that I might never really be ready for. 

He'll definitely not want to pursue the relationship once he learned about that. Hell, he'll probably say he doesn't care like all the others but then slowly start pressuring and guilt tripping me. 

I really started to like him more and now this is relationship is going to have to be cut short because my eager ass decided to kiss him. 

Once I arrived back home, I decided to just bite the bullet and text him. I sent him a simple, we need to talk and start preparing myself to shower, when my bell ring. 

Short but important chapter. 

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