Chapter 17 Friends Hanging

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Luckily for Davis Rikku wasn't home since she had a detention for arguing back against Moodswing or something.

"So Davis-senpai care to explain why you got stabbed, like what the hell?!" Shizu starts the conversation with while they gave everyone a bottle of water

"R-r-rain" Davis' throat was still in pain so he didn't say much

"Kat Senpai can you expand on what Davis-senpai said. By a lot"

"It was a late night patrol around the city." She starts the story off all dramatically then continues "then we heard a certain individuals psychotic laugh so we headed in that direction"

"Baaaaaaad idea" Clover whispered

"I know right" Kat looked at Davis then continued again

"we found Rain causing trouble so we decided to end it once and for all and get revenge for Ronin's dead friend, what was his name again?"

"D-d-database" Davis said before he took a gulp from his water

"Oh yeah, and then we fought so much, I had copied Rikku's quirk without telling her and Davis was using his telekinesis to its limit, it was an epic battle but then I got stabbed and went out cold"

Gasps can be heard all around while everyone is in awe at this

"Remind me I have to apologize to Rikku for copying her quirk without knowledge"

"Sure, then what happened"

"And then Davis got distracted by me and Rain leaped on top of him and stabbed him so many fucking times everywhere he could and in the throat too, that's why Davis cant currently talk much"

Kat was adding a dramatic edge into this story more than necessary and the necessary needed was little to none at all.

Kat stood up and slammed her hand on the table as she continued the story "then out of nowhere Davis used his Mind control quirk, it was incredibly unexpected, he made Rain run far away so that we could get away" she dramatically faints back onto the chair.

"So then Davis scoops me up bridal style while I was unconscious and he flew both of us to the hospital before crashing lading outside the hospital also now unconscious and that is what happened on our little late night patrol, the end, your welcome"

Everyone is in awe except Davis and Shizu. Davis was staring at Shizu since they seemed to be frozen.

"Davis you really pushed your quirk like way over the limit, and you're sure you're okay" Shino says concerned for his friend.

"I'm f-fine S-shino"

"Shizu are you okay" Clover asks

"O-oh, sorry I zoned out when Kat said Davis-senpai used his mind control quirk, that's when I realised Davis doesn't have his visor on but nothing is happening while I'm staring into his eyes."

"Davis suppresses that quirk for good, he only used it because he had no other choice, if he didn't use it we would both be dead and there would be no one to tell our tales" Kat said as she stared into Davis' electric blue beautiful dreamy eyes.
The spark in his eyes looks like the bolts of electricity. Kat's lost in his eyes. She is kinda drooling over her boyfriend. Did she forget this dreamy lanky beautiful blue eyes man was her boyfriend.

(They are standing up near the table with Davis Infront of Kat, Shizu and Clover are standing next to Kat)

Kat who is now examining Davis' face up close, with Clover and Shizu staring into his eyes since his mind control is suppressed. Davis has to crouch down to reach the three beans because they do be short. Or as Kat calls it 'fun-sized/ bean-sized'

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