Chapter 97 A Temporary Job

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"So, what do you want?" Davis walked across the road and asked him.

"Just to tell you to lighten up on your boss in there"

"I should lighten up on him? Why don't you tell him that?"

"Did he actually suspend your licence?"

"How'd you know?"

"He spoke about it for a moment before you entered. Did he tell you how long?"

"Nope. He said until further notice"

"Please don't take this as an opportunity to beccome some illegal vigilante"

"I won't. Those days are behind me."

"You are a good hero, you know."

"Is that true? Because right now it feels like I should've taken a much darker path"

"You're talking about following Manolo?"

Davis looked at him like 'how did he-'. Apparently that was obvious as his questions were answered seconds later.

"Harold may have filled me in. He says you still see him sometimes. How so, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Sometimes I think I see his ghost. Or I imagine it. I don't know what I thought I saw. He's dead.." Davis said. He wanted to add something to that but he thought that but was best kept as just a thought. *But he did come back to life once..*

"I believe you. Sometimes grief does funny things to one's eyes."

"I am not grieving him" Davis stated, slightly annoying. "He hated me and I hated him back. He was a bitch"

"I know you say that and it's probably true. But that doesn't mean it's not grief. Well anyway think about it. You best be careful if you don't want Harold and Betty finding out about the dangerous side of this job of yours."

"Mhmm. I gotta get a temp job so I'll see you when I see you"

Obsidian Fist left and did Davis, luckily it was in separate directions.

Davis recieved a text from his new boss from the bar. Let's call him Harvey for the sake of giving him a name. Ava is one daughter. Lexi is the other daughter, she's the one that can heal things.

Harvey: I know this is a late notice. But Ava's fallen ill, I need to take care of her. Are you able to manage the bar with Lex?
Davis: I'm sure we'll keep everything running smoothly.
Harvey: are you sure you're free? You don't have some hero thing to do?
Davis: nope! Trust me, my boss won't mind. I just need to change out of my hero suit and I'll be right over.
Harvey: you're a life saver! Thank you

Davis flew home and flew through the window. He could hear Kat's voice along with 2 others. He decided not to interrupt her and just change out of his hero outfit. He hung it up, he won't be needing it for a while.

"Oh wait! That's him, he's finally home. You'll get to meet him at last." Kat ran out of her room just as Davis exited him back in casual comfy clothes at last. "Hey!"

"Hi, you're extra happy today"

"Yeah, are you home for the night or?"

"I'm sorry, I have to run out. A friend needs me to cover a shift down at this bar he works at."

"You're done with patrolling?"

"Yeah. When I get back, I'll tell you about it. It was actually interesting for once."

"Hell yeah! Have you got a minute to spare?"

"For you. Always"

Kat smiled and then dragged her three friends out of her room. "These are my...fri- classmates. We're doing a class project together."

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