Chapter 18 Finally Adopted

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(This is fluff I think)(( Also this is gonna be a short chapter))

Finally Davis is gonna get adopted by Ronin.

Davis wakes up at 5:00am and has to get dressed in a black suit and tie. He can't just wear his casual clothes this time. It's an important day today. Just in case he's gonna wear his visors. Just in case you know.

When Davis gets out the door, making sure to lock it he sees Ronin and Leander waiting for him both in suits. This is gonna be weird.

"Hey kid, are you ready for this?"

Davis nodded as he fidgeted with his tie.

"Lemme fix that for you, it's annoying me" Leander fixed his tie then they got in Ronin's mini bus and Ronin drove them ' to 'Database Courthouse'

When they arrived Betty and Harold were already there sitting down where they were meant to sit Ronin and Davis sat together with Leander close behind him

((I don't know how courtrooms look 😅))

As the case went on Davis didn't really need to say anything except agreeing to Ronin's terms and signing the Adoption Paper.

Ronin made the terms: 'Davis can see and visit his grandparents whenever he likes as long as has permission from Ronin'.

And Betty agreed to sign the deed (the paper saying who owns it) to her bakery in both Her name and Ronins so It's easier to live above it.

That last part was his surname.
Ronin wants him to keep it, but also have his name so now it's Davis Ramirez-Okita. That was it.
Ronin has officially adopted Davis now to tell his friends. Maybe.

They left the courthouse. Ronin wouldn't let go of Davis' hand. Davis on the other hand was hiding his already hidden face because hes blushing of embarrassment.

Betty and Harold catch up with them. Leander was finding this rather entertaining

"Hey baby"

"H-h-h-hey B-betty"

"Me and Harold have to go home now, we cant leave the house empty for too long otherwise those darn raccoons will come back"

"Try blue cheese, raccoons hate the smell so they stay away" Leander chimes in.

"Well alright mister we can try that, Betty we need to get going. Bye kiddo"
Harold tries to hurry her along
Betty and Harold leave in a hurry, they must really not like raccoons.

"How do you know they hate the smell of blue cheese"

"Everyone hates the smell of it, animals have an extra strong nose"

"Uh huh"

"So now you're gonna live with Davis or he's gonna live with you or what's the living situation"

"Never thought about that, I was so eager to adopt Davis I never put it into consideration" Ronin wraps his arm around Davis' shoulder now kind of feeling bad.

"I mean your home love is beautiful but it isn't really a living space, that Bakery is the better option, do it up make it better space for the two of you to live."

"Davis what do you think, how about we do that until we find someplace better for the both of us"

Davis nodded. He didn't like Leander and Leander doesn't need to learn to voice and shit too.

"I guess that settles it love"

"Stop calling me that"

Leander heads back to his mansion in his fancy rich people car so Ronin and Davis head to 'Betty Bakes'. Since it's only afternoon they do up the whole apartment above the bakery and turn it into an amazing living space.

(Layout is similar to that of a dorm. So there's a kitchen living room and two bedrooms and one spare room then below is the Bakery)

It's already evening so they ate some pizza and went to bed

"Hey Davis, just to let you have to come with me to a few cram classes, tomorrow you're coming with me since the Bakery is closed all day"

"D-d-do I have t-to"

"Yes, and you have to listen to my lessons"

"O-o-okay" Davis yawned

"Hey kid did you mean to call me dad the other day, when I told you to go hang out with your friends you called me dad"

Davis started blushing from embarrassment. He turned red
"I-i-i-i-i d-d-didnt r-r-realise i-i-i-i-i called Y-y-y-you t-that"

"It's okay, get your thoughts together kid, you're alright"

Davis calmed down from his embarrassment and shared a little secret
"I r-r-r-ran into R-r-rain the o-o-other day umm"

"Rain. Did he do anything to you?"

"N-n-no somebody t-told him I w-was m-meticas s-son, he s-s-said he didn't know during o-o-our fight, he s-s-s-seemed down, said he was going i-i-i-i-into hiding" Davis yawned again.

"There might be a new villain around if he didn't know who you were then suddenly he did, you're definitely coming with me for all or at least most Cram Classes"
Davis yawned again

They went to bed, this time in separate rooms

Davis' room doesn't look much different except the glass was now cleaned up and he had a few more posters and stuff

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