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Isithembu[polygamous relationship] one thing I never thought I would find myself in . I married a man I was arranged to marry a man that I didn't love . I was his first wife . My father had it arranged that I marry Sandile Mazibukho . My mother died when I was three so when I was seventeen my father found out he had cancer . He was afraid that I would be alone so he married me of to the Mazibukho family .

From the beginning my marriage was a mess . My husband never wanted anything to do with me . He felt I had stolen his life away from him . Often times he would tell me how I was a curse in his life . My mother in law would give me tips on how to make him love him but none of them worked . I finally gave up on us ever becoming a couple .

When I was twenty four he married someone else . I still remember the day he told me how he was marrying her out of love and not money . Yes money , my father begged his father to let his son marry me  . He went as far as offering his father money . My husband's father did however manage to find money to pay for my lobola because my father made it clear that he would not have his daughter married with his own money so my father in- law made a plan .

My husband's family was average but became rich after they got me married into their family . My father gave away two of his businesses to them leaving one for his family and one for me that my in laws did not know that he left for me  . My father gave my in-laws his  accounting firm and security detail . He left his siblings his law firm and I was left with his restaurant and some money.

The woman he married was beautiful and light skinned . She had dreadlocks like myself . Her body was beautiful , she had a hourglass figure and a nice sized butt . Her hips stood out the most . She was really beautiful . Everyone in his family complimented her beauty . When I first saw her I thought that she might be evil because beautiful women had been portrayed to be monsters but my gosh was I wrong .

She had the most amazing personality . She was believer and a Godly woman . She went to church with me every Sunday . She would come to me with her problems and ask for advise . She believed in me and my dreams , she became the friend that I never had . My husband's family was very shocked to see us become friends but my husband did not like it one bit so he bought me a house to live in .

The house was bought so I could stay away from his wife . He made it clear that he did not want me talking to his wife because 'i would poison his wife against him' . When he bought me the house he made sure to buy it away from his family . The only time I saw my in-laws was when they had a ceremony or party .

My husband moving me away from everyone was one of the best things to happen to me . It gave me time to be focused on my business without having to hide . It became my copying mechanism to life that was until I met Mpho Mokwena . Our story is one that no one would understand . I was a woman desperate to be loved and he was man desperate to respected .

Mpho was a married man . He would tell me about his love problems and I would tell him about mine . We became friends then later lovers . We would share kisses , hugs and oral sex . Even though we shared all these things Mpho still loved his wife dearly and respected her . He loved her but he was in love with me . I gave him the respect that he needed and he gave me the love I needed I needed in return .

No one but ourselves knew about our relationship . It was amazing some can even say beautiful . One of the  ugly quotes that people loved to say was 'every beautiful things must come to an end.' and that was what I planned on doing after Mpho asked that I give him a baby . I still remember that day like was yesterday .

"Mme I think it is time we left out relationships and had our own that being said . I think it is time you gave me a baby and married "

Funny enough that was eighth month of our relationship but he was already asking me for a baby . It was a sign that I should stop what I was doing but I didn't . Overtime Mpho became more and more demanding for things he knew I couldn't give him and eventually his demands came with some physical actions . My first physical action from him was a slap . Then with time came few slaps , few punches and kicks .

I then realized that his wife was not the problem but him so I contacted her . When we first met Naledi  was angry that I got into a relationship with a man I knew was married . She finally calmed down after I told her why I did what I did . She told me she would do her best and she did . She called a family meeting . She explained to his family what had been going on . His family and her family 'fixed' him . They banned him from even coming anywhere near me. 

I had been so focused on what I had going on that I completely forgot about my in laws . Imagine my surprise when my brother in Smanga came to check in on me the same day Mpho's family came to apologize to me about what had happened . He sat down and listened to them tell me how they didn't know when he started hitting women . Never once did he utter a word . I remember I was so afraid thinking he was going to tell his family .

But when when the Mokwenas left he stood and pulled me into hug . I remember  what he said that had me crying .

"MaZwide . I am sorry you went through all of that . My brother was supposed to protect you and he couldn't . So I will do it for him . "

He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead then left . The next morning I woke up to a call from my mother in law telling me that Smanga called a family meeting asking that he is given permission to marry me .

I knew from then on that I would be the cause of so many family problems .

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