chapter 5

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By the time the clock reached 10:30 I had everything packed and was on the way to my husband's work place . It was my first time doing something like this and one would expect me to be nervous but I was only excited. I had watched so many movies that had scenes like this and now I was  going to experience my own . I had hoped that my experience wouldn't be like dairy of a mad black woman .

When I arrived at his work place the reception mentioned that he was in a meeting so it would take at least twenty minutes before he finished his meeting. She asked me to sit in his office along the visitor that just came in thirty minutes ago. I could feel fear from the pit of my stomach of the thought of finding another woman. When I made it to the office the door was already opened , making my way inside I found brother in law and ex husband sitting on the office couch . I could myself breathing deeply cause it wasn't another woman .

"Sawubona bhuti" I offered a small smile moving to my husband's sit . 

"Yebow sawubona unjani" he looked at me up and down then shook his head before he looked into my eyes  . "Ufunani la?" He looked at me like he was searching for something.

"Ngiyaphila Bhuti ." I lifted the lunch basket that I was holding before answering his question . "It's lunch so I bought some food for him since i couldn't make him some ngoba I have been preoccupied with family . " I smiled .

"Oh" he sat back comfortably in his sit  and looked at me . " So you're here and he'll see you at home as well? "

"Yes" I took out my phone testing my manager telling him I'll come see check on  things tomorrow for a few minutes then leave .

" Ai awusho . When are you and my brother planning on ending this little act you have going ? Ngoba manje it is exhausting to watch . All the lovey dovey act need to end cause we get it . We've seen that you guys like each other . Wait let me rephrase that ,  I've seen that you like each other so now you guys can stop trying to make me jealous cause I won't be . I'm satisfied and very happy where I am . " The look I held on my face must have said it all .

"Haibo!. You can't be that self centered bhuti Sandile. You do realize that not everything is about you right ?"  I laughed a little . "I would entertain all that but I'm sad and in need of attention from my husband. So i won't "

"Suddenly she speaks !" I could see that he was mocking me . "I thought the only thing you knew how to do was trying to seduce man who didn't love you. I'm sure that's what you did with my brother. " He threw smirk my way .

"Yes I do speak . As much as I tried seduce you , you should know that it was because your mother encouraged me to . " His face fell cause he understood just how much I was insulting him . No offense to my mother in law. "I don't blame her though she thought she was helping me with my marriage and I have no shame in saying that cause I walked out of my marriage knowing that I gave it my all. So if you feel that me trying to be a wife to you was me seducing you then you have a lot of self introspection to do . And as far as your opinion about  me seducing your brother , my husband then don't bother yourself with that cause it has nothing to do with it you . Because I will not sit here and massage your ego by giving you details about our relationship" I opened the basket and took the container with the fruit salad  and my husband walked in .

" Ngixolele bhuti . The meeting took longer than expected. " He still hadn't seen me cause when he entered he went straight to his brother.

"Khululeka mfo . I didn't have much going today my head of departments are doing a job good at managing my company. " I rolled my eyes at that cause it didn't take him time to claim another man's hard work as his .

"Baby? Wathula nje . " He stood up from the couch and made his way to me .

"I didn't want to interrupt your conversation no sbali " he laughed then pecked my lips

"Hmm. " Looked at me and smiled . " Ngiphinde futhi . " I pecked his lips once more then pulled back .

"Baby I bought some food for you to eat and I'm going to leave now that I've seen that you are alive and well " he laughed and helped me up from the chair .

"Hawu . You won't stay ?" I took my handbag from the table making my way to the door .

"No . I have to cook so my hard working husband can come home to a home cooked meal. " He laughed and pulled me closer to him

"Oh really? " I smiled looking up to him

"Yes now goodbye" i kissed his lips and stepped back from him so my sbali wouldn't say I'm trying to make him jealous.

"Ai uhambe kahle I'm sorry I won't accompany you to the car .  Your husband must be really blessed to have you as his . "

"I'll make sure he knows that ." He smiled then bit his lower lip making me turn to my sbali . " Bhuti nisaleni kahle " I quickly made my way out .

I didn't want to go home but I had to .I was disappointed by how my office visit wasn't the way I expected it to be. But at the same time I was glad that I didn't find myself in the same scene as dairy of a mad black woman.  By the time I had made it home I found my mother in law and her daughter in law already cooking up a storm . I was relieved because for some reason the drive and everything had me extremely tired .

"How was lunch ?" My mother in law asked me has I walked inside the kitchen.

"It was good kodwa I had to cut it short cause sbali Sandile was there . " She nodded her head .

"What was he doing there ?" His wife mandisa asked me . 

"Ey angazi nam I didn't even bother asking cause I was just sad I wouldn't be spending time with my man" my mother in law laughed at me .

"Wee kodwa nawe MaZwide " she continued laughing while moving the kitchen.

"Hawu mah . Ngisayo geza " I  made my way upstairs . I prepared my bath then finally got in and I felt my tense muscles get better . I found myself thinking about my husband and how sexy he is without even trying. They he bit his lips at the office reminded me how good he makes me feel . I took my phone and called him .

"Sthandwa Sam " he sounded like he was laughing

"Baby ."  I completely changed my voice to something else .

"Sthandwa Sam yini ? Is everything okay . " He released a deep sigh

"No and yes . I don't know I just thought of you biting your lips and now I feel so horny " I added a little whine at the end of my sentence.

"Hmm . Don't worry I'll fix that for you later okay ? " Now it was my turn to sigh

"Okay " I ended the call feeling my disappointment.

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Another chapter please enjoy and tell me your thoughts.

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