chapter one

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Wei Wuxian was fired.

So fucking  fired.

So fired there’d be nothing left of his body other than a pile of ashes or he’d combust right there and then from embarrassment!

He was praying to practically every deity out there to save his sorry ass from having to face the consequences of having sent his boss a dick pic!

The day had started out innocently enough

He was at his desk, working (well, pretending to work. He was actually playing Galaga) when his phone dinged in his pocket.

Pausing the game, Wei Wuxian rummaged around his pockets, eventually retrieving his phone and seeing a notification from Jiang Cheng on the lock screen.

Wei Wuxian! You piece of shit! Why did you put fucking chilli sauce on my sandwich!!!!

Wei Wuxian chuckled to himself at Jiang Cheng’s reaction. So what if Wei Wuxian liked to spice up their meals it wasn’t his fault Jiang Cheng liked bland food. Though he’d never tamper with his Shijie’s food. Her lotus root and rib soup was the best! Not to mention she’d probably kick his ass if he ever messed with her recipe. He loved his sister but she could also be very terrifying at times.


Another message beeped on Wei Wuxian’s phone and he looked down to see another message from Jiang Cheng.

Why do you fucking do this?! Stop it! No one else likes your crappy chilli! Do it again and I’ll break your fucking legs!

Rolling his eyes, Wei Wuxian unlocked his phone. Honestly, he loved his brother but sometimes he could be such a drama queen.

Wei Wuxian had just unlocked his phone, getting ready to reply to Jiang Cheng when Wen Ning popped up suddenly at the side of his desk, almost giving him a heart attack in the process and causing Wei Wuxian to fly back in his chair, toppling over and hitting the office floor with a thud along with his phone.

“S-sorry, Mr Wei!” Wen Ning apologised, his eyes widening and looking around nervously as if he expected to be shouted at. He grabbed at Wei Wuxian and helped him up off the floor, hastily righting his chair and picking up his phone, offering it to Wei Wuxian as if it were a peace offering.

Calming his racing heart and ignoring the snickers that bounced around the office, Wei Wuxian took back his phone and settled himself in his seat, regarding Wen Ning as he did.

“It’s ok,” Wei Wuxian reassured, unlocking his phone and absentmindedly clicking the contact button on his phone, all the while looking at Wen Ning.

Shyly, the other man handed him a pile of mail from the cart near him, stuttering another apology.

“It’s ok, Wen Ning,” Wei Wuxian said again. “Just don’t do it again, are you trying to kill me?” He chuckled at Wen Ning’s panicked expression. “I’m only messing around with you,” he said laughing and smiling, before glancing around the office.

“You better go quickly,” Wei Wuxian said to Wen Ning. “You don’t want Wen Chao finding you slacking off work.” He laughs as Wen Ning quickly nods and hastily dashes off, pushing the mail cart along with him and returning to his daily rounds of delivering mail.

Shaking his head, Wei Wuxian returns to his phone, smiling as he thinks of the message he’ll reply back to Jiang Cheng.

Something that will definitely get a reaction out of him.


Smiling deviously, Wei Wuxian begins typing his reply.

Suck it!

Before he sends it, he attaches a picture of his dick for good measure.

He’s sure to get a reaction from Jiang Cheng for sure now.

Cackling to himself, Wei Wuxian sends to message and picture without any further thought and returns to his game, occasionally flicking back to doing actual work when Wen Chao starts wondering around the office, glaring at him like he’d hope Wei Wuxian would drop dead (he’s never forgiven him for that time Wei Wuxian put a turtle in his lunchbox).

Wei Wuxian busily types away at his keyboard, waiting for Jiang Cheng’s angered reply which will come soon enough.

After an hour, Wei Wuxian starts getting worried.

He’s received no furious messages from Jiang Cheng so either he hasn’t seen it or he’s getting ready to kill Wei Wuxian. Either one is a likely possibility.

While on his lunch break, Wei Wuxian pulls out his phone, taking a bite of his chilli covered sandwich, taking barely any notice of the hot food and frowning that Jiang Cheng had still not replied to him.

Normally, Jiang Cheng would have replied by now and the fact that he hasn’t sends a worried feeling in the pit of Wei Wuxian’s stomach. Surely he hasn’t offended him that bad?

Still frowning and slowly chewing on his sandwich, Wei Wuxian unlocks his phone and opens up Jiang Cheng’s contact. His frown deepened when it showed that no message had been sent to Jiang Cheng.

So where did he send the message to?

Worry was now replaced by bone crushing panic.

Where did the message go?

More importantly, who did he send it too?

Frantically, he begins searching his phone, dread slowly starting to seep into him.

He definitely didn’t send it to Nie Huaisang (though, that would’ve been hilarious to see his reaction).

He didn’t send it to Yanli (thank goodness, he did not want to traumatise his sister).

Wen Ning he didn’t send it too, nor Wen Qing (thank merciful heavens, she would’ve cut off his balls if he had sent it to her).

Wei Wuxian sat back in his chair, wondering who he could’ve possibly of sent the message to.

Realisation had his eyes widening as he scrolled through his texts, pressing the contact that he hopes he did definitely not send it to.

His hope vanished in an instant when he sees the message AND the picture there as clear as day on the contact named Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian was pretty sure his heart stops as he chokes on his sandwich.

Of all the people he had to accidentally send it to it had to be his boss!

The very same guy who owned the company he worked at! The very same guy who signed Wei Wuxian’s pay check. The very same guy who could report him to HR and get him fired!

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