chapter two

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Wei Wuxian was pretty sure his heart stops as he chokes on his sandwich.

Of all the people he had to accidentally send it to it had to be his boss!

The very same guy who owned the company he worked at! The very same guy who signed Wei Wuxian’s pay check. The very same guy who could report him to HR and get him fired!


Wei Wuxian was completely and utterly screwed.

He’d never survive this!

He’d be fired, kicked out into the streets with nothing more than his office belongings packed into a crappy cardboard box.

Unless . . .

Maybe he could unsend it.

He looked at the message, hoping against hope that Lan Wangji hadn’t seen it yet. He only sent it an hour ago so there’s a chance his boss would be likely so busy to read it-

There in big capital letters under the message is the word seen.

Wei Wuxian freezes. His heart definitely stops as he now know there’s no way he can avoid getting out of this one.

He drops his phone onto the table.

Then he face plants the table, a hopeless cry emitting from him that has a couple of other employees on their lunch break casting worried glances at him.

Wei Wuxian is so definitely, completely screwed.

Goodbye life, he thinks. How on earth will he afford his chilli sauce now?

He was just contemplating whether or not to jump out the window now to save himself from the embarrassment of having to explain to his boss why on Earth he sent him a dick pic and prevent the humiliation of having his ass kicked out by security when a voice sounded above him.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Glancing up from his pit of self created misery, Wei Wuxian finds Wen Qing looming over him, a stern expression in her face as she glares at him.

He immediately sits up as she takes a seat opposite him.

Not only is Wen Qing as scary as hell and Wen Ning’s sister, she is also head of HR. The very person who could get him fired if Lan Wangji sent a complaint her way about him.

Wei Wuxian was gonna die!

He put his head in his hands, sighing in defeat. Why was this his life?

“What is wrong with you?” Wen Qing asked again, opening her container of soup.

Looking up from his hands, Wei Wuxian raised his head, his face creasing in dread at what Wen Qing would have to say.

Hesitantly, he asked, keeping his eyes downcast, “has anyone put in a compliant recently?”

Wen Qing shakes her head, stirring her soup. “No. Why?”

At Wei Wuxian’s silence she eventually looked up at him, an eyebrow raised in question. “What have you done this time?”

“Whose saying I’ve done anything,” he asked incredulously. Why did Wen Qing always assume he’d done something? Even if he most likely had done something wrong.

At her unimpressed face, Wei Wuxian sighed. Might as well get it out in the open.

“I may have accidentally sent a dick picture to Mr Lan,” he said in a rush, his words tumbling out and tripping over each other. He cringed at his words.

When he looked up, Wen Qing was staring at him.

“Accidentally,” Wei Wuxian stressed.

It took all of five seconds before Wen Qing absolutely exploded.

“You did what?!” She practically shouted and Wei Wuxian had to fight every urge in his body to hide under the table, especially when she chucked her spoon at him.

It bounced harmlessly off his head, landing back on the table with a clatter.

“I can’t believe you did that!” She cried before holding up her hand. “Actually no I can believe you’d do something this reckless.” Wen Qing threw her hands in the air as if mentally asking the universe why she is friends with such an idiot.

Wei Wuxian is also asking himself the same question.

Wen Qing eventually calmed down, sighing. “Why do you even have a picture of your dick?” she practically hisses.

Wei Wuxian opened his mouth to explain that it had been a drunken dare at one to Nie Huaisang’s house parties he threw to celebrate that he’d actually got a job but Wen Qing held up her hand again, preventing him from speaking.

“On second thought, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. What I do want to know is how you’re gonna get yourself out of this one.”

Wei Wuxian gave her a confident smile. “I’ll find a way out of it, don’t worry. Maybe Mr Lan might think my dick is quite impressive and call me into his office for a one to one. If you catch my drift.” He smirked at Wen Qing’s disgusted snort.

“Or,” Wen Qing said, “Mr Lan could report you to HR leading to your sorry ass being dumped in the unemployment line.”

Wei Wuxian pouted at that. “I like mine version better,” he mumbled, tapping his phone against his palm.

Truth was Wei Wuxian was very worried.

He liked this job, he liked the hours, the pay, the chance to tease his boss and fellow coworkers.

He didn’t want to be fired!

Maybe Mr Lan would let him explain and see the funny side behind it.

Actually, no. Wei Wuxian could not see Mr Lan finding the funny side on anything, let alone a dick picture accidentally sent to him by his employee.

He needed to find a way out of this. One that did not leave him unemployed.

Perhaps he could say someone hacked his phone?

Wei Wuxian was pulled out of his planning by the scrape of a chair beside him.

Glancing up, he saw Nie Huaisang pulling out the chair next to and sitting down in a flurry of grey blazer, pulling out a salad from his bag. He smiled happily at Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, skewering his lettuce with a fork and taking a bite, munching on it contently.

Before Wei Wuxian could answer, Wen Qing beat him to it.

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