chapter six

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Nimble fingers worked their way in between them, slowly unbuttoning Wei Wuxian's shirt and leaving it hanging open, his bare chest and heated skin now exposed to the cool air of the office, the skin heating up more as Lan Wangji caressed his hips and coming up to pinch at his nipples, avoiding where Wei Wuxian wanted him to touch the most.


Breaking the kiss, with a frustrated groan, Wei Wuxian gasped into Lan Wangji's ear. "Please, Lan Zhan, please. Just - oh - please, please fuck me," he begged, nibbling at Lan Wangji's earlobe and teasing it with his teeth. Lan Wangji pulled back to look at him, pausing his ministrations and Wei Wuxian couldn't help but smirk at the way Lan Wangji held himself stiff and rigid like a guqin pulled taut, ready to snap at the least amount of pressure.

It was clear Lan Wangji was holding back.

Smiling deviously, Wei Wuxian wrapped his legs around Lan Wangji's waist, grinding his erection into Lan Wangji's clothed one creating delicious friction that had him choking out a moan.

"Do you want this paperwork or me on your desk?" he whispered into the other man's ear, seeing the blush spread down from Lan Wangji's ears to dust upon his cheeks.

"Shameless," was all Lan Wangji said before flipping Wei Wuxian over with inhuman strength and speed, Wei Wuxian finding himself face to face with the wooden desk, his ass up in the air and exposed.

Behind him he heard hurried movements and rustling as drawers were opened and shut in a frantic search for something. Looking over his shoulder, Wei Wuxian saw Lan Wangji hold up a bottle of lube and a box of condoms in an almost victorious manner.

"Why - what the fuck - why do you have condoms and lube in your office draw? You weren't expecting this, Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian added seductively, his eyes glinting in mischief. The thought of Lan Zhan receiving the text and then hurriedly going to the store for them almost made him want to giggle. He could only imagine how terrified the store assistant would be.

If possible, Lan Wangji went even more red.

"My brother . . . He - he purchased them," Lan Wangji stuttered out. At Wei Wuxian's surprised expression he continued. "He thought I could use them in case . . . In case this happened . . . With, um, with you."

Wei Wuxian's surprised expression morphed into one of delight. "Ah," he said, smile curling on his lips, "so you were hoping this would happen. Why, you're so naughty Lan Er-gege - ah!"

His words died on his tongue as Lan Wangji wasted no time in pressing a lube slick finger past Wei Wuxian's rim, the tight ring of muscle sucking onto his finger as he pressed it in knuckle-deep. Wei Wuxian gasped at the feeling. It had been a while since he'd done these kind of activities (not counting the thoughts he'd had of Lan Wangji fucking into him).

"Oh, please, another, please - ah! Yes!" Wei Wuxian begged, grabbing at the edge of the desk, his nails digging into the hard word as Lan Wangji added another finger and began thrusting in and out of his hole, scissoring his fingers. It wasn't long before Lan Wangji found the spot that had Wei Wuxian crying out, skilfully pressing onto his prostrate and rubbing gently against it, slipping his other hand up long Wei Wuxian's sweat covered chest to continue pinching at his nipples and sucking at the sweat covered skin of his lower back, littering it with darkening hickeys in his wake.

Wei Wuxian mewled at the onslaught of sensations, crying out when Lan Wangji swiftly added a third finger that left him sobbing.

Without warning and when Wei Wuxian felt so so close to the edge, Lan Wangji abruptly stopped his actions, pulling his fingers out of Wei Wuxian's ass and manhandling the other onto his back so he could face Lan Wangji.

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