chapter five

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Whenever he tried to tease Lan Wangji his mood only seemed to get worse and worse as the evening went on, so Wei Wuxian eventually gave in, distracting himself from his disappointment by playing hide and seek with the other partygoers.


He had been blindfolded, arms out and stumbling somewhere in the building, trying to hunt out people when he’d felt hands tightly grip his wrists and push him to the nearest wall.

Wei Wuxian didn’t even have chance to call out from he felt a soft and warm mouth against his own, kissing him.

All he could do was give in to this mysterious stranger.

And then just like that, the stranger had gone leaving a gasping and very confused Wei Wuxian in their wake.

“That was you?” Wei Wuxian asked incredulously. He couldn’t believe he had already kissed his crush without even knowing it!

Lan Wangji looked away, embarrassed, his ears going a vibrant red as a result.

Wei Wuxian fought the urge to coo. How cute.

Bringing his hand to Lan Wangji’s face, Wei Wuxian caressed his cheek, smoothing his thumb over it and causing Lan Wangji to nuzzle into his palm.

“Who knew my Lan Er-gege was so strong and desperate for me,” he smirked as Lan Wangji’s eyes darkened at the name, his face set in a serious expression as he went to whisper in Wei Wuxian’s ear, his breath ghosting over the shell.

“Mark your words.”

“Mark my - ah!”

Before he could finish his sentence, Wei Wuxian had been picked up by Lan Wangji displaying his impressive arm strength by snaking his arms under his thighs, his fingers digging into the meaty flesh. That would definitely leave bruises. Not that Wei Wuxian minded. The thought of being marked up by Lan Wangji, displaying them for the whole work place to see sent a thrill through Wei Wuxian’s body as he was deposited on the desk.

In the meantime, Lan Wangji has been busy mouthing at his neck, nipping and sucking as he grabbed Wei Wuxian’s waist in a possessive vice like grip. Wei Wuxian hummed in response, rolling his head back and gasping out breathlessly.

It wasn’t long before Lan Wangji was pulling at his shirt again, untucking it from Wei Wuxian’s pants and unbuckling his belt with surprisingly skilled hands, tapping impatiently at his hips as Lan Wangji sucked on the pressure point of his neck.

Wei Wuxian had barely even lifted himself off the desk before Lan Wangji had practically ripped his pants and underwear off all in one go, tossing it uncaringly into a heap on the floor.

Cold air hit his heated cock making Wei Wuxian gasp in surprise at the action but also at the speed at which Lan Wangji moved. Damn, this guy did not mess around!

Wei Wuxian’s already erect cock bobbed against his stomach leaving dribbles of precome along his ruffled shirt as Lan Wangji claimed his mouth again as Wei Wuxian gasped, their actions becoming more heated and desperate by the minute, clawing and breathing each other in until Lan Wangji broke off the kiss by dropping to his knees!

The air left Wei Wuxian and his eyes widened at the way Lan Wangji fell to his knees; so eloquent and smooth as though with practiced ease, as if he were moving through water.

He gazed up at Wei Wuxian from the floor through his eyelashes, staring at him as though he was the most precious thing he ever saw. Wei Wuxian felt his hear stutter in his chest. How could he have missed the way Lan Wangji had looked at him? How could he be so stupid?

Very stupid, as Wen Qing would agree.

Wei Wuxian winced slightly. Probably not the best idea to think about your friend when you’re about to get blown by your boss in his office.

His thoughts instantly halted when he felt the warm, velvety feel of Lan Wangji’s mouth surrounding his cock.

Ah. So that’s what he meant by mark your words.

All the air was punched out of him and Wei Wuxian could not help but fling out his hand, carding his fingers in Lan Wangji’s long black locks of hair as his boss bobbed his head, giving it an unintentional harsh tug as Lan Wangji flicked his tongue on the slit of Wei Wuxian’s cock.

The moan he received in response sent vibrations along Wei Wuxian’s cock causing a shudder to run through his body and he twined his legs around Lan Wangji’s neck, wanting to bring him closer, needing him to be closer.

Lan Wangji bobbed his head again, taking in as much of Wei Wuxian as he could, pumping the rest that didn’t fit in his mouth with his hand while using his other to fondle Wei Wuxian’s balls causing the other man above him to buck his hip forward uncontrollably. Lan Wangji choked slightly before resuming his actions by sucking enthusiastically at the head, his teeth teasing the sensitive skin.

Soon the heat of Lan Wangji’s mouth, the teasing movement of his tongue on his cock and the lust forming in the pit of his gut, the way Lan Wangji looked up at him through his long lashes, his face completely composed and stoic even while blowing Wei Wuxian became too much. He pulled Lan Wangji off his dick, now glistening with spit, gasping for air.

“Wei Ying?”

Wei Wuxian looked down and had to control himself not to cum there and then.

Lan Wangji was on his knees in probably his most expensive suit, eyes wide and breathing heavily for lungfuls of air, his lips red and spit slick. His hair was slightly messed up from where Wei Wuxian had grabbed on to him, making him look so different from the neat and composed boss that he knew. It sent a thrill through him that he had managed to make the great Lan Wangji look like this.

“Wei Ying?” Lan Wangji asked again, his head turned innocently to the side, a stark contrast from the activity he had just done and Wei Wuxian couldn’t help how his heart beat faster at that.

“Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian said, a little breathlessly. He still couldn’t believe he was here, his boss on his knees for him in the middle of his office, it was like a dream come true.

Lan Wangji frowned. “Not good?” He questioned, disappointment tinging his voice and looking away.

“No! No, no, no!” Wei Wuxian hurriedly assured, cupping Lan Wangji’s face with both hands and tracing his thumb along his smooth cheek, his lips. “Too good,” he reassured, their eyes meeting and Wei Wuxian giving him a tender smile. A smile, so small as though it were a secret, flickered on Lan Wangji’s face and Wei Wuxian couldn’t help but bend down and kiss his lips.

Lan Wangji broke off with a low groan, leaning against Wei Wuxian’s thigh and panting against him, turning his head so he could suck on the skin there, leaving bruises and bite marks as he slowly nipped along the flesh before rising to his feet and giving Wei Wuxian another hungry kiss.

Nimble fingers worked their way in between them, slowly unbuttoning Wei Wuxian’s shirt and leaving it hanging open, his bare chest and heated skin now exposed to the cool air of the office, the skin heating up more as Lan Wangji caressed his hips and coming up to pinch at his nipples, avoiding where Wei Wuxian wanted him to touch the most.

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