3 ~ Surprise

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That night Steve let Dustin sleep over in case the monster followed him. He put the TV on and gave him water and food but, Dustin was still shaky.

Eventually, Dustin fell asleep on the couch and Steve wasn't gonna leave his side.

Not for a second.

But, he must've been hallucinating cause he was seeing Eddie right in front of him.

"Eddie?" Steve whispers in shock.

"I'm not real Harrington, I'm just an illusion," Eddie responded while walking toward Steve.

Steve didn't know why he was seeing Eddie.

Did he care that much for him?

"I-i don't understand." Steve stuttered just admiring him.

"You are just sleeping okay, you and that little shrimp are gonna be okay...just beware for Kas," Eddie warned before he vanished.

"Eddie!" Steve yelled, he woke up in a cold sweat.

Dustin was sitting up and looking at him...he looked scared and worried.

"Are you okay? And uh why were you calling Eddie...wait did you dream about him too?" Dustin revealed while unwrapping the blanket around him.

"Wait...what kind of dream did you have?" Steve panicked.

"Well, uh Eddie was standing across from me...you were sleeping and he told me. "You and Steve are gonna be okay." He also warned me about Kas...and I know exactly who that is." Dustin confirmed.

Steve confirmed back that he had the same dream just a little different.

They both immediately got up and drove over to Dustins' house to get D&D.

They went back to Steves' place and set the game up.

"Okay, now can you explain who Kas is?" Steve complained.

"Okay, so you see Vecna right there...well Kas is Vecnas' right-hand man. He is always around him and later on, he betrays Vecna. Kas and Eddie have similar qualities..uh they are both males, Kas has a shield and sword just like Eddie uh had.." Dustin revealed...he kept pausing at the thought of Eddie dying in his arms.

"Hey.." Steve tried to reassure him but, Dustin kept explaining.

"He is also a vampire...I know this sounds crazy but I believe Eddie is Kas...but Eddie isn't the same person we knew...he is now evil unlike our Eddie...but uh he is Kas now." Dustin elaborated.

"What do you mean?" Steve questioned with confusion cause he didn't want to believe that.

"I'm saying the Eddie we knew is gone."

*knock knock*

They both froze in terror, Steve grabbed his bat and guarded Dustin.

Dustin slowly opened the door and there he was...

Leaning on the doorframe, with fangs, wings, and blood-red eyes.

Steve dropped his bat in shock.

Dustin was near him.

"Surprise," Eddie announced with a smirk across his face, staring at them dead in the eyes while showing off his fangs.

I hope you like this chapter :))

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