7 ~ Fair

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Steve drove so fast he might've gotten pulled over once or twice...he was let off with two warnings, but he threw them out...He looked so pissed at everything and everyone.

Dustin and Erica were scared to even talk to him...they didn't want to set him off.

About an hour passed and they finally made it to the house. They watched their surroundings making sure no one saw them. And by no one they mean Eddie.

Steve knocked frantically.

They all barged in and about 20 minutes later Steve explained everything and Joyce was scared but, mad since this shit is surrounding Will again.

"I'm sorry but who is this Eddie person again?" Jonathan remarked, his eyes were bloodshot and it looked like he was gonna pass out.

Steve looked over at him and he was high as a kite. He just ignored him and kept thinking about how they were gonna save Will.

Will looked pissed yet, didn't seem too surprised that he is still alive.

"Mom...I know you want him dead but, the only way to truly kill him is if I die...I-i'm connected to him, since Day 1 and he wants to keep me because I am a vessel that could keep him alive...He will kill everyone. I can't let that happen." Will stuttered making a breakthrough.

Everyone stared at him.

"No..I know I don't know you much Will but, I am not letting any of you die." Steve interjected the awkward silence.

"I agree with him, you are my son. You aren't going to die." Joyce replied with panic rising in her, holding onto Wills' shoulders in reassurance.

*knock knock*

"Who's here at this time?" Joyce questioned, walking to the door.

Steve immediately recognized that knock...it was Eddie. He stopped Joyce in her tracks and grabbed his bat.

He opened the door and Eddie was surprised to see him.

"Uh..how did you get here before me?" Eddie wondered with shock.

The way Steve looked at him...it wasn't the same as it was. Steve looked furious, upset, and unrecognizable...Eddie felt as if his heart sank to his stomach.

The monster in him pushed away those feelings and made him pissed off.

Joyce was in front of Will trying to protect him.

"Well, that doesn't matter I'm just here for the kid." Eddie viscously announced.

He used his vamp speed to get to him, but Will stepped on his foot which released Will to get an umbrella and knocked out Eddie.

All of them looked at Will...they didn't know Will had it in him to do that. Even Will didn't know.

They all quickly tied him up.

"Wait, when he wakes up...won't he just go back to The Upside Down?" Dustin asked with curiosity.

"I don't think so, because Vecna doesn't seem like the type to forgive someone if they are empty-handed," Steve replied, his arms were crossed and his eyes were burrowed on Eddie.

"So, what are we going to do?" Joyce sternly replied.

Steve was in a trance...he was scared. Eddie wasn't himself. He isn't the scared shaking guy he knew.

Yeah, vampire Eddie was different and cool but, he missed the old Eddie..he was a true badass and an amazing person.

He wishes his life was taken instead of his. It wasn't fair.

"Why am I feeling all this for him, I barely even know the guy." Steve thought to himself, unable to unlock his eyes on Eddie.

Familiar Feelings//STEDDIEWhere stories live. Discover now