Chapter 10 - Musketeers?

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A/N: I'll be adding a short scene from the movie to the chapter because I just can't describe fight scenes :D Also "fans" here means those fanning thingys not MOAs lmao


'This is the old practice room of the musketeers' said Yoongi. 'They used to train here but some time ago they were moved to Monsieur Namjoon's training place and this room became long forgotten. Only a few of us remember it' he explained. Then he went to one of the walls and pulled a handle. The wall suddenly turned around, revealing different kinds of weapons that the boys could only imagine before.

The room itself was huge. It had clothes for fighting, many many weapons wherever you look and even those dolls you can practice fighting on. Obviously they were a bit more advanced than Tae's scarecrow at home.

Then to the boys' biggest surprise, Yoongi put his walking stick in a corner and straightened his back as he turned back and walked up to them.

This was probably the first time ever they've been this close to the man. They gasped unintentionally. From what they used to see of him they expected him to be an old man with wrinkles on his face and actual gray hair, not even speaking about the fact that they thought he can't even walk without a stick.

Now that he came closer they realized that that was just an illusion. He was actually way younger than they thought, he seemed to be around thirty years old. His skin was flawless and pale and his eyes were focused. Now they could also see that the roots of his hair were dark brown or black, so the silver color was just hairdye too. He was shorter than all of them, even though previously they would predicted him to be even shorter than he actually was.

[A/N: watch this if you don't understand the next part of this scene :)) I didn't exactly write everything the way it happened but it could help you understand.]

'I heard you guys talking about that you are here to become musketeers. Are you sure about that?' he asked with a raised eyebrow.

The four boys nodded frantically. Then Yoongi backed up to the wall and pulled out a sword without even looking, throwing it in the air. Taehyun caught it before it would hit him.

'Then show me what you know' grinned Yoongi, showing off his gummy smile. Soobin, Yeonjun and Kai left enough space around Tae and he was quick to get in position. Just then Yoongi grabbed another blade and stood up against Taehyun.

The sound of metal hitting metal filled the practice room as the two fought each other. Tae could actually feel drops of sweat forming on his forehead. He'd never had such an intense fight before, but also he'd never fought anyone who seemed to be as professional as Yoongi. Suddenly the man's sword hit Tae's, the blade slipping out of the boy's hand while spinning in the air. All of them stood there amazed as Yoongi easily caught the other sword with his other hand.

Yeonjun walked up to the wall and grabbed a pair of ribbons. The others waited curiously, anticipating what he's gonna do.

The boy turned towards three lit candles on one of the tables and waved the ribbons above his head. Then he swung one of them towards the candles, hitting one of them perfectly, successfully blowing it out.

'Wow' gasped Kai. Soobin just stood next to him, looking impressed.

Yeonjun grinned to himself and did the same to the second candle, but as he was aiming for the third one, suddenly a blade appeared out of nowhere, making the ribbon swirl around it, blocking it from the candle. Yoongi stood there holding out Tae's sword with his left hand, but he was nodding satisfied. Then he pulled on the ribbon with a sudden move, making Yeonjun lose his balance and fall face first on the floor.

Kai meanwhile examined the weapon wall and grabbed a pair of fans. He was good at using them as he was a dancer after all. He presented a few basic dance moves, then as everyone was immersed in what he was doing, he swiftly moved forward, throwing one of the fans in the air. It flew around the room like a boomerang but as it was about to reach back to Kai, it got stuck on something. Yoongi's blade.

'Hm' hummed Soobin, then went up to the weapons lastly. He picked up something that looked like a necklace at first. After taking a closer look, the boys could see that it was actually a sling with a pearl. Soobin seemed like he used this kind of thing several times as he aimed with it perfectly. The pearl flew across the room, bouncing back from one of the armors onto the wall, then onto the chandelier. Everyone held back their breaths as they followed the small ball with their eyes. The pearl flew back right towards Soobin but just then Yoongi held out his left hand and caught the thing with two fingers.

'Woah!' exclaimed Yeonjun amazed.

'Oh my gosh! Monsieur, can you teach me how to do that?' gasped Soobin.

'Me too!' shouted Tae and Kai in sync. Yoongi chuckled.

'You guys still have a lot to learn, but this is a good start.'

'Can you make musketeers out of us?' stepped forward Taehyun.

'I can teach you' said Yoongi 'but only a member of the royal family can announce you as a musketeer.'

'It's fine' waved it off Soobin. 'We can worry about that later.'

'Well then' clapped his hands their new instructor. 'let's get to work, shall we?'


They spent about three hours practicing. Unfortunately they had limited time as they still had to clean the castle and do their other works upstairs. Yoongi taught them some fencing tricks and they even tried out using some of the other weapons.

'Let's try it again' he said when they repeated the positions for fencing for what seemed like the thousandth time. Yoongi was walking in front of them back and forth with his hands behind his back. 'Don't ever forget: you are fighting for each other, not only for yourselves. If one wins, you all win. If one fails, all of you fail. From the beginning!'

By the time the three hours were over, the four of them felt like they can't move anymore.

'If you want to continue, come back every day around this time' Yoongi finally said standing in front of them. They nodded at that. The man let out a small smile seeing their tired faces. He knew they will be great students of his. It's been a while since he could use his skills.

He grabbed his walking stick and went to the wall with the weapons. He hit the stick to the ground and the wall turned around with him. The weapons and Yoongi both disappeared behind it.

The four boys collapsed on top of each other exhausted.

'Ughhh, everything hurts' whined Kai moving his legs, accidentally kicking Yeonjun's head. The oldest of the four groaned.

'Why is Yoongi walking with a stick?' wondered Taehyun staring at the ceiling while laying on his back.

'It's probably part of his tricks to fool everyone' said Soobin, then he stood up and shook off his arms and legs.

'Okay guys, let's go. We need to finish work for today.'


A/N 2.0: I really enjoyed writing this chapter :) I hope you like the book so far <3

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