Chapter 18 - Dance (+ important A/N again)

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A/N: Read the A/N at the end of the chapter because there's a change in the schedule again


Taehyun felt way too overwhelmed to think straight.

He was supposed to be here to protect the prince from someone who's trying to kill him. But he doesn't know who's behind all the conspiracy other than a few guards of the regent's but he couldn't see them in the sea of masked people.

He was also supposed to keep an eye on his surroundings and his friends while also not messing up the dance he's doing with the prince himself. The prince, who's life is in danger, and who also still looks damn good, even better from up close.

'You look really familiar' said Beomgyu while dancing.

'Really?' asked Taehyun absently.

'Yeah! You look like someone I know. But I doubt he's here... or maybe we've met before and that's why I feel like I know you? Maybe at another ball?' said the prince excitedly. His cheerfulness reminded Taehyun of a puppy.

'I don't think so. This is my first time going to a ball' he admitted.

'Oh! Then maybe we met somewhere in the countryside? What's your name by the way?' asked Beomgyu. Tae gulped.


Meanwhile Namjoon was standing in front of the main gate of the castle, looking out for any danger. He still felt guilty for shouting at Tae and the others, and despite him believing that the regent's people couldn't hurt the prince, he still had this unsettled feeling that something is wrong. But maybe it was just because of what the servants told them?

Suddenly he heard some noises from above him, maybe from the first floor of the castle. It seemed like if someone was yelling for help. He quickly turned back and looked up, but then suddenly he spotted someone who was running towards him with a sword. He pulled out his own blade and hit the metal against the other's weapon, dodging his hit.

What the hell, he thought. As he was about to shout for the guards, suddenly he felt a huge punch on his nape. His sight went black as he collapsed on the ground.


Taehyun and Beomgyu were in a deep conversation about the Barbecue family who came from Italy (Taehyun making up stories about them and their relatives, the Pepperonis) while they were still doing the choreography. Tae never felt a song this long before.

His eyes spotted Kai who was dancing just behind them with some random guy, and a second later he also saw Yeonjun and Soobin dancing, embracing each other tightly while whispering into each other's ears. The boy couldn't decide whether they are flirting or discussing strategies, since in the past few days him and Kai could constantly feel the romantic tension between the two.

Soobin's eyes caught Taehyun's and gestured with his head towards his left. Tae followed his gaze, but he couldn't see anyone familiar or suspicious. He looked back at the two, now they turned around so he could see both of their faces. He mouthed a what? towards them. Yeonjun mouthed something back, but suddenly the dance came to a part where they had to spin their partners around, so Taehyun was facing the other side of the ballroom. He gritted his teeth.

As he was spinning, he accidentally tripped over his own foot and almost lost his balance. Beomgyu luckily quickly caught the boy in his arms and pulled him closer, staring into his eyes. By this time Tae was sure that the prince would be the dumbest person on the planet if he didn't recognize him, but even if Beomgyu was suspicious of him, he didn't show any sign of it.

He still held Taehyun in his arms, their bodies pressed up against each other's. Tae could smell the prince's cologne. It was sweet and manly. He quickly suppressed a sigh at the nice scent. He didn't want to make himself look like a weirdo.

'Mon dieu, are they gonna kiss or what?' gasped Yeonjun, looking over his shoulder. Soobin followed his gaze, seeing Tae and Beomgyu embracing each other on the dance floor.

'Do you think he recognized him?' wondered Yeonjun. As he turned back, he realized how they were in the same position with his friend as the other two. Soobin must've felt it too because his face flushed as Yeonjun looked into his eyes. The older smiled slightly, then without thinking he leaned in and pressed his lips onto Soobin's. Soobin gasped into the kiss, but nonetheless kissed Yeonjun back. It didn't last long as both pulled away for air.

'You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that' mumbled Yeonjun, avoiding Soobin's eyes. This time it was Soobin who chuckled at the other's flustered state.

'You're being way too cheesy' he grinned. Then suddenly he realized what was going on and gasped. 'Oh my, where's the blue masked man?'

Luckily for them Kai decided that it was his time to shine. He saw that all of his friends got a bit distracted as Tae was swaying in Beomgyu's arms to the rhythm of the music while Soobin and Yeonjun were legit making out on the dance floor.

Meanwhile the Blue Masked Man got too close to the prince for Kai's liking so he decided that he's going to take the matters into his own hands. He quickly bowed to his partner, stepping towards the Blue Masked Man.

'May I have this dance?' he asked in a honey voice. The man and his partner bowed to each other as Kai took the lady's place immediately. He continued the dance with the man, trying to catch his eyes so maybe he'll have a slight chance to recognize something about him, but the other wouldn't look at him. He was being suspicious.

Suddenly as they had to step forward, Kai stepped on the man's foot hard.

'Ouch!' yelled the man. Kai suppressed a gasp. He knew who the man was, he recognized his voice. But for now he had to keep up with his act and continue what he started, so he let out a surprised gasp.

'Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I'm such a terrible dancer!' he giggled. 'You know, Monsieur, it's my first time on a ball! I'm so excited for it! Is this your first one too? I'm sure it's not, you're an amazing dancer! Do you like these parties? Honestly I don't really like crowded places. But my friends and I decided to come, you know-'

'Excusez-moi' bowed the masked man towards Kai as he walked away. Kai sighed. He managed to get him away from the prince, at least for now. He had to talk to the others quickly.


A/N: Tag yourself, I'm Kai lol

Okkkay, so I'm going on a break again, I won't be home for the next 9 days. The next possible time I'll update the book will be on the 8th of August. Also from now on the updates will come later in the day because I'll be working after my vacation.

Only a few chapters left from this book, so stay tuned if you're curious of the masked man's identity (and if you know who he is, please don't spoil for others :D). See you in the next chapter, love ya, mwah!

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