The rogue stranger

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A man stood out in a field of wheat picking it as he had wanted to make some sandwiches for a thing, chuckling as he watched some snow fall in the distance it reminded him about powdered snow.

He always found comfort in the cold that came of powdered snow, a great clean for wounds to he would say so anyway. Not really a truth nor a lie per say he was an end crystal, the only one of the group so for his kind sure it's a great way to clean up wounds for someone like a warden or a rabbit not so much.

He sighed reaping through some wheat with a hoe resting it on his shoulders after he was finished, the heat was somewhat bothersome but not to much as a gentle breeze came along with it.

The wind howled as it pushed against the wheat slighty pushing away spiders and creepers that dared to get to close, blood from the man's clothes or face would drop onto wheat every now again he would have to wash it throughly when he got home.

The shuffling of the wheat would occasionally seemingly irate the man as it would send some sort of shock through his ears and then down his spine. It felt weird is probably the easiest way to explain it.

Sighing as he collected the wheat whilst humming, he heard footsteps in the background weren't a mobs, not ones he personally knew. Steadily resting one hand on his pocket which held his- his friends knife.

"Dad wait it's fine!" He heard someone call slowly moving his hand away from the knife he turned his head tilted a little in confusion, starring toward his child and somebody else. "You weren't kidding when you told me this shadow fella is very purple" chuckled the person he had never seen before.

He himself had purple skin purple hair his jumper hoodie thing was also purple black pants and purple shoes, so yeah the guy was right he was very purple, the other person had a jumper wrapped around his face a light blue shirt and grey pants along with black shoes. The child had white hair red horns, a pink shirt red and black kilt red and white shoes, grey eyes.

"Froggy, who the fuck is this?" He questioned not really wanting to deal with whatever was happening. "So you know how you said this place was just a simulation that's also what this person is saying that is who they are shadow." Stated Froggy shrugging. "The one time you decide to have brain cells is when I just want to relax?" Questioned Shadow tilting his head, "yes yes it is." answered Froggy starring at shadow dead in the eyes.

Shadow just sighed, "well what can I do for you?" Questioned Shadow turning his attention back to collecting wheat, "So I was wondering if you would like to get out of the simulation" began the stranger. "What could you possibly know or have that could get us out of here?" Questioned shadow turning back to the stranger.

"Knowledge so much knowledge a lot of knowledge" stated the stranger, Shadow curious rested the hoe on his shoulders. "How do you have this knowledge May I ask?" Questioned Shadow barely acknowledging the fact Froggy had just started a forest fire. "So we're just gonna ingor-, Because I used to work for the simulation." Stated the stranger.

Shadow once again reached for the pocket knife "Hey hey no I'm not with them not now that I've learnt some of the things they've done you could know me as Zayde, or the one who created the glitch" stated the stranger.

"You're the one who woke me up." Stated Shadow his eyes still on zayde caution evident in them feeling the patter of the rain, the rain stressed him out he was someone of the end sure it didn't hurt him it just scared him.

"Bingo, I am indeed the one who woke you up, because you needed help you don't want to know what they planned to do to you had you gotten out" stated the stranger, "anyways you may call me Rogue"

Shadow nodded, turning his head towards froggy who somehow had 15 parrots surrounding her. "OK CAN WE PLEASE QUESTION THE CHILD!?" Rogue asked, "no, anyways what is it that you want?" Questioned Shadow 'the offer of freedom is to good to offer for nothing in return what does this guy want?'

"I need an army." Stated Rogue, "why an army?" Questioned Shadow, "because you can't go to a war against that many people by yourself" stated Rogue, "you're right you need to double there numbers to give them a chance." Stated Shadow Rogue just stared at him "I'm not going to question that but please you have got to listen to me" stated Rogue.

"Why should I?" Questioned Shadow sighing "because if you don't, if they get what they want, everything and I mean everything is doomed it's not just us in danger aren't you supposed to be some kind of hero?" Questioned Rogue, "No I've never been any sort of hero, I'm just a man who's trying to get peace" stated Shadow, "you can't have you're peace if you don't help me everything merges." Stated Rogue.

"I teared the one being with that ability limb from limb" stated Shadow, "his not actually the only per say the omiverse is full of threats and you killed one of his many many many forms he'll be back." Stated Rogue. "No I'm not fighting another war that's final!" Exclaimed Shadow a little to loudly then he would of liked to causing Froggy to look at him either confused or concerned in the moment he couldn't actually tell.

"If you change you're mind meet me at the campfire tonight" stated Rogue walking off leaving shadow in the rain just starring at a sword Rogue had dropped, a sword he hadn't seen since his 'childhood' a sword covered in blood.

"Daddddddd!" Called froggy walking over to him "hm?" Questioned Shadow not moving his gaze from the sword, "what was that about?" Questioned Froggy, "nothing for a child to be concerned about" answered Shadow. "You can tell me you know you don't need to do this whole secrecy thing, you can trust me you know?" Questioned Froggy.

"I know I can trust you it's if you can trust me I'm concerned about" stated Shadow as he sat down still looking at the sword. "What's with that sword?" Questioned Froggy, "don't worry about it" stated Shadow as he slowly reached for the sword picking it up.

He rummaged through a backpack he had and pulled out a quill putting the sword into it and putting the quill on he sighed. "Froggy, tonight go to the tower and stay in there and don't answer the door for anyone not even me ok?" Questioned Shadow.

"Ok but why?" Questioned Froggy, "because I'm not going to let you get hurt in this." Stated Shadow.

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