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"I've already told you a thousand times and I will repeat it again, I don't like you and I have no intention of starting a relationship with you, Minho." The girl said in a serious tone as she walked off.

Minho grabbed her by her wrist to stop her from going. "Soomin, I'm sorry, okay? Let's start over." She turned around and stared at him in disbelief. The brown-haired female let go of his grip as she let out a chuckle. "You messed up twice. I won't make the same mistake." With that she left the boy who sighed as he messed with his hair. It was a habit of his to do this action when he was pissed or stressed.

Soomin found herself sitting in the park on a bench. She slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath to think about what to do next. Her day wasn't the best, she signed up for a job in a company but got rejected, after she helped her grandmother with some things in her shop on her way home Minho - her ex-boyfriend - bumped into the girl.

After like 10 minutes of Soomin organizing all her thoughts and other stuff she had on her mind the female stood up with a big smile plastered on her face, obviously a fake one.

The bell rang as the brown-haired walked into a restaurant. It wasn't a modern one with very expensive food, just a classic place to clear your mind and enjoy some gimbap or ramyeon. Those were Soomin's favourite dishes here.

"Hwang Soomin~ heyhey! How have you been?" The owner of the small restaurant, a male with puppy eyes and natural black/brown hair, said. "Today was so unnecessary and stressful. Food is the only thing that can lift up my mood at the moment." The regular costumer answered in a tone which made clear that she was extremely done.

The young boy nodded as a sign of him understanding her situation. He wasn't the type to comfort people by words, so instead of doing this he asked "So..as always?" The female made a 'mhm' noise which meant yes. After he got the answer of his customer, the owner went off to the kitchen and did his job.

Meanwhile, Soomin was looking outside the window to watch the beautiful sight. Lilacs, a cherry blossom tree and a fountain which gave off a spring vibe, far away also seen a sea that often made the girl feel at ease and relax, the sunset which made the view look even better. "I like the view right now." She mumbled. "You say this whenever you look outside, Min."

The latter turned to the other side to find the owner and also her only friend standing there with her gimbap and a glass of water. She formed a 'thank you' with her mouth and started to eat and enjoy the meal.

Since the restaurant was almost empty during this time and not much was to do the owner took the opportunity to start a conversation with his friend. "Do you feel better now?" He asked. Soomin smiled genuinely as a reply. That was when the male knew he could tease her without her scolding him for being noisy and annoying.

"Ayo Min, just a reminder that you're 23 soon. How does it feel to be that old?" The girl's friend teased. He was only a year younger and he knew it but the young man enjoyed annoying his friend. With a sigh the victim looked into its friend's eyes. A look that clarified.. anytime could be the explosion.

But the boy he is, he didn't stop. "You probably miss the time when you were so young, right?" Soomin put down the chopsticks she was using in a calm way.

"Puberty is hard, I know. But is it normal for it to last that long?" He casually said. "No offense but-" The male knew her limit but decided to annoy her a little bit more. She cut him off "Kim Seungmin. You have a death wish, don't you?" The chair made some unsatisfying noises as she stood up from it.

Seungmin started to panic a little so he giggled, his habit whenever he was nervous. As she walked towards the inNoCeNt boy the bell rang. Both of them looked at the door, one relieved the other clearly annoyed. "Sorry mate, I have guests." Seungmin sassily gave from himself while he looked at Soomin. The latter smiled sarcastically.

After the girl finished eating and reduced stress she bid her friend goodbye and left the place.

On her way home she decided to go on a walk, because why not? Soomin ended up in the park nearby her apartment once again. It was some sort of the girl's comfort and safe place. Whenever she felt down Soomin had a place in mind that helped her clear her mind.

She thought about the incident with Lee Minho. The female let out a sigh knowing he would still follow her around and apologize to her for what he did. Not because he loved her, this was surely not the reason, it was because of something else she probably did not know.

I have to do something to hold him back from continuing to follow me around. was the brown-haired female's only thought at that time. She needed to get rid of him. Little did the girl know it was going to be hard since Minho wasn't easy to deal with. Gotta come up with a very huge idea. Soomin thought.

Soomin shook her head lightly to stop herself from thinking . "I better head home." She muttered and continued to walk.

The young woman didn't know how late it already was after spending her time thinking about many different issues and other things. The sky was dark, only some stars and the shining moon were seen up there.

She reached the playground which was a few blocks away from her apartment. Soomin walked on the pavement and the only light came from the streetlights and the moon. Not many people used to walk there at such a time so she believed she was alone and felt safe. A few seconds after this thought of her she bumped into someone.

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