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Felix honestly didn't want to be here. He just wanted to get out as soon as possible and hoped the dinner with Minah's family wouldn't take too long.

The young man looked at the food and played with his fork instead of eating the steak. Maybe it was the surroundings that made him feel full, or perhaps he was actually full.

An elbow from his left side poked his. This made him look up to see his brother with a concerned gaze. 'You okay?' the one sitting on the left mouthed. Felix nodded silently as he smiled over to his older brother. The younger was very thankful to have Chan as his bigger brother, he was very caring towards Felix.

The boy faced his untouched food again. In the next moment his father spoke up to break the silence. "Minah, I heard you won a drawing competition. Congrats! What did you draw?" He asked the girl who was around Felix's age. Chan's brother let out a silent sigh which only he could hear. "Yeah! I drew a bicycle and other things that are related to it." Minah proudly answered with a high-pitched voice as she looked over to Felix. "You like biking, don't you, Yongbok-ah?" She questioned.

Here she goes again. Felix thought. The latter looked up and said with a clearly annoyed voice "Yes. But please, stop calling me that.". The girl sitting in front of him on the other side of the table pouted sadly. Felix rolled his eyes.

Felix's father awkwardly laughed. "My son didn't mean it in a bad way, Minah." The younger closed his mouth as he smiled sarcastically.

After dinner Minah's parents left. Chan and Minah went outside. "Lee Felix, we need to talk." Felix faced the person next to him. "What is it this time? I told you I don't like her. Why should I do it?" The boy rose his voice knowing what his father wanted to say.

"Look, my son. Go and tell her to be your girlfriend. Then after some time you can marry her." The older said with a stern voice. "I told you no. Stop deciding for me and MY life. Isn't one life enough for you? And also stop calling me your son. You never considered me as one, did you? The only one for you is Chan. Chan here, Chan there. Just stop comparing me to him. You expect me to be him because I'm his brother. Listen here Mr. Lee, I'm Felix, he's Chan. I'm not Chan's clone, I'm his brother." Felix bursted out and left the room. The older man was too stunned to speak.

Felix left the place with Chan and Minah after him. "Oi Felix, what's the matter?" "Yongbok-ah~" The latter stopped and turned around. "Stop. calling. me. this." He faced Minah. Then he looked at both of them "Both of you, don't follow me. Leave me alone." After that he left.

He walked and walked with no end. Until he reached his mother's grave. The sun was setting. The boy sat down and faced the grave. A smile was plastered on his face.

"Hey mom, how have you been?" Felix looked down as he touched the grass. "Today was a beautiful day! I went out with my brother and we had so much fun. We played uno and baked cookies together." The boy obviously lied.

"Mom, you might think I'm crazy, but I made up my mind. I'll ask the girl out that I bump into next. You know.. I don't like Minah, I don't wanna be forced to be with her, I want to end this quickly, that's why. No dinners with them anymore, no more Mr. L- father's nagging, just me and my life. I'm stupid, right?" he chuckled.

After like half an hour he stood up. "Goodbye mom, I'll talk to you soon!" With that the boy went.

Felix walked through the street that lead him to God knows where. The tall blonde viewed his surroundings. A street, streetlights, shops, buildings, the pavement he was walking on, people - some with a dog or a puppy, the sky with the sun almost all the way down and the moon rising higher and higher.

Soon the boy reached a park. The silence was enough for him to be lost in his thoughts again. Right then he bumped into a smaller figure. "Ouch." Felix recognized a female around his age, with brown hair which seemed darker during night time. She rubbed her forehead as she faced the tall boy.

Soomin was amazed by his beauty. The freckles that were even prettier under the moonlight, his blonde hair and the outstanding sharp jawline.

The shorter expected the boy to apologize but instead he asked "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He caught her off guard. When Felix noticed what he said, the boy added "I-I mean if you have time."

What surprised both of them was that Soomin agreed to it. This is my chance to keep Minho away from me. The girl thought.

For the next five minutes both of them just stood there facing each other. Finally, the male spoke up. "Uhh you know it's late, we don't have time to introduce ourselves and so on. How about we exchange numbers?" The girl nodded, then they silently typed their numbers on each other's phones and saved them.

"Well, I'll get going now." Soomin said. The taller formed a thin line with his lips as he bid the girl a goodbye.

Here Felix was, standing in a park in the middle of the night all alone. "Where am I..? Anyways, it's time to find my way back to the house I live in." He sighed.

The blonde took his phone out and called his big brother who picked up after two seconds. "Where are you? Don't you know how worried I was? Why did you turn your phone off?" Chan bombarded the younger with questions. "Uhh..on Earth?" Felix heard a sigh from the other end of the line.

[don't mind my unfunny jokes, let me live in peace<3]

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