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"Felix?!" The boy who was sitting on the chair was just as shocked as the female in front of the door. "S-S- call me Mr. Lee!" He stuttered but showed his confident side right after.

The female bowed as a sign of saying sorry. I'm doomed. "I don't think we need to introduce ourselves to each other. Here you go, organize these." Felix gave his girlfriend, now also secretary, a stack of papers.

She stared at him in disbelief. "I've just entered this room and am already welcomed with work." Soomin muttered under her breath.

"The papers with a little smiley and flowers on the back side have been already looked through. The ones who don't have one haven't been checked yet.", he said with a serious tone. Soomin chuckled at his cute signature.

Felix rolled his eyes. "There's nothing to laugh about. There is your desk. Start working." He pointed at a desk which was located in a corner of the room near the door.

Hour for hour, stack after stack, this was how it had been going for Soomin. "Soom- Miss Hwang, coffee." The female looked at Mr. Lee who seemed to be focusing on the papers on his desk.

Why does he have to look so good with glasses on? Soomin thought but all she could say was "Yes, sir.". The female left the office to make Felix coffee.

On her way she felt stinging pain on the back of her foot. Although Soomin despised wearing high heels she forced herself to look organized and clean for work. The girl mentally scolded herself and her shoes.

When she was finally done with preparing the coffee, Soomin went back into the office. The secretary greeted her boss and walked to her desk where she continued to work.

As 10 minutes passed by Soomin's phone started to ring. She checked her phone and Felix couldn't ignore his secretary's expression. A confused and shocked look was seen on Soomin's face.

The girl cleared her voice and answered the call. Felix was curious about who had called her but didn't show it. Instead he brushed it off and eyed the papers on his desk.

It was silent for a minute until Soomin spoke up. "Please stop disturbing me, Minho." At this point Felix couldn't ignore it so he kept quiet and listened.

" I told you it's over with us and I don't have the intention of listening to your lies. I know exactly what you have done. There's nothing to fix. Plus I'm at work. I would appreciate it if you never contact me again."

Felix expected Soomin to end the call after she had said this to her ex but she didn't seem to be doing so. "And I have a b-boyfriend. So leave me... a-alone!" The girl stuttered as she realised the situation and that her boss was able to hear her.

She ended the call right away, faced the floor and turned red. Both of them wanted to say something but it was quiet. Finally, the male spoke up. "Since you're at work, please don't mix up your private life with this one.", Mr. Lee managed to say sternly.

Soomin looked at him and nodded but rilled her eyes when she turned her head to the other side. She didn't say a word out of embarrassment. After a while she gained the courage to ask her boss. "Did you.. hear the conversation?"

"I couldn't overhear it.", the boy simply responded as he drew a smiley on the back side of a paper. Soomin felt like sinking into the floor and just get out of here as quick as possible. When she didn't say anything the male decided to speak up. "It's 8pm, you can go home now." The secretary quickly got up from her seat, took her bag and politely bowed to Mr. Lee before leaving the office.

While humping to the restroom she felt the pain again. When she arrived she took off her shoe and massaged the spot where it hurt. "You damn shoes." After a few minutes she put her shoe back on and left the restroom to the entrance of the building. At that moment Mr. Lee left his office and walked the same way with a bit of distance between them.

"Ms. Hwang!" Soomin turned around to the familiar voice just to meet her boyfriend's squinted eyes which naturally formed when he smiled widely. "Hi." he giggled. The female didn't understand why he was acting that way but didn't say anything. Felix noticed the not pretty straight walking of Ms. Hwang. The man wanted to brush it off until he saw the scar on her ankle. He laughed "Must be painful.". When the woman got what he was talking about she rolled her eyes and sighed. "It's not funny." "It is"

Soomin picked up her pace as Felix ran after her. "I was just joking. Come on, I'll give you a ride home." "No, thank you" "I'm not letting a lady go home all alone at such a late time. Just get in, with that foot you will get home in never minutes." The girl sighed in defeat and went with Felix to his car where he opened the door for her and gestured her to hop in.

On their way home it was silent until Soomin spoke. "Uhm Mr. Lee, about-" "You can call me Felix, we're not at work right now." "Right, yea so about earlier... the call, Minho texted me to meet him with my boyfriend as a proof, yknow. So, I w-" The driver nodded "Sure, when and where?" Soomin was surprised at his fast agreement.

She told him it would be the following weekend at 3pm at the park near 'Lonely street'. "Mhm, I'll pick you up then. Let's wear matching clothes." Felix smiled which made the girl laugh a bit.

Soon they arrived at her's so she thanked him for the ride and went. She knocked on the door, her brother opened the door "Hey, come inside now! I made us dinner."

damn i havent written in a v long time idek if this is how the story should go on n idk if ive already written sth similar to this in another chapter or if im js idk💔😭 nyways i hope u enjoy, i havent updated this in like 6 months or yeye i apologise for any mistakes im not in the mood to see if i wrote stuff right or nah😥

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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