life's a bitch and then you die

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[girl 1] I always dreamed of living an epic high school life. But even as a senior, i was hiding in the shadows. Until one fateful night. See those shoes under the moose? They're mine. You do the math.... Okay i'll do it for you. I'm dead, ish.

Today was just a normal day of senior year that i just had to wake up for, don't get me wrong i like school since i get to see my best friends. Well I don't know if they are my best friends since they always leave me out on things, and they are the duo in our "trio" but it's doesn't matter let's just get back to the normal story. i just woke up and it was about 6:15, and school started at 7:45. I got up and took a shower, and got dressed in a pink dress with flowers, white high top converse, gold rings, a gold moon&stars necklace, and I put my hair in a low ponytail.

Now it is time to go to school and see my friends and have a good day, as i hope for.


Gia,Erika, and Mila were getting ready to walk into their first period after everyone was walking in.

"It's clear. Go." Gia said, (Riley walks into the classroom) " Okay. Now.", Gia said. "I don't know why you keep letting her push us around like we are nobody's" Mila said , "Because of what happened the first year of high school, that's what Mila" Erika said, "Okay sorry for bring it up" Mila said, (They all walk into the classroom with Gia& Erika in the front, and Mila in the back) " I can't believe we have two months of high school left. KMNBIASG." Erika said, "erika, maybe it's time you try Wellbutrin, give your anxiety a little vacay." Gia said, (laughs) "- what's up with everyone wearing green?" Erika said, " Irish inclusion" Mila put in. "Hi. Sorry. Sorry" Gia said, walking between two teenagers making out. "I wish they could drone drop our diplomas. So could skip all this end of high school bullshit" Erika said, I kinda like it because we get to see everyone before we leave "Mila said, "Of course you do, you are all about finding the positive in people. Just give up already. School is gonna be over if you like it or not" Gia said with an attitude, "Oh, sorry" Mila mumbled. "Hard pass on all of it." Erika said, "Even prom?" Gia said,
"Especially prom. I'm not going." Erika says after looking at Jake C and Riley. "


"Come on. Prom is one thing I wanna do before we graduate." "Me too, prom is gonna be so excited!! I hope I can go with you know who." Mila said, "We all know that you have a big crush on Gavin. The whole school probably knows about it too" Erika said after laughing, (Mila blushes) "Prom is gonna be the best night of my life." Gia said [chuckles] " Have fun. Send pics" Erika said, "Ericka come on, you have to go. You never know, you might go with Jake C" Mila said, [wiggles her eyebrows] "Okay. Okay. Let's just put a pin in that. Move on to something smaller." Gia said. [They all sit down against the wall with some food in their hands] " What if we... crazy idea. You can totally hate it. It's not gonna hurt my feelings, because I am on lex pro.... Go to a regular party. " Gia said, " You know i probably won't go because i need to finish reading one of my books i just got, called "We we're liars" . " Mila said. Both Gia and Erika know how much Mila loves reading books, and they don't mind because they don't have to deal with her. " I heard there was going to be one this weekend." Gia said, " Yeah. I saw that over Ashley's shoulder on the senior text chain." Erika said, " Please hold. There's a senior text chain and we're not on it?" Gia says "Probably because we don't talk to any seniors, and we are lame." Mila said. "And I'm glad we're not on it. I don't wanna see alerts about shit I don't want to do. " Erika said, "Hey! mo! Is there a senior text chain? " Gia said, looking at Mo. "Looking at it" Mo said, [Gia grabs his phone] "On my god. This is not acceptable. Erika. We are seniors. OMG look at all this shit we missed. We missed kickbacks, ragers, dayers, a hoedown, and the lowdown on why everyone is wearing green. It's spirt week! " Gia said, "We didn't miss anything. It's all dumb. We wouldn't have even done those things anyways." Mila said, " Your subconscious would beg to differ. You're finally realizing we're about to leave Highschool , and all we have to show for it is our education ." Gia said, " Which is why we're going to Jake's party, well don't Mila because she doesn't like parties," Gia said "Which Jake " Erika said. " The tall one. They're all tall. The one who sat himself on fire. Jake W ? So no. " Gia and Erika go after each other saying, "But Jake C will def be there." Gia said. [Erika looks over at Jake C laughing and talking with his friends] " All three Jakes have RVSP'd 'yes' or 'yo' depending on the Jake." Gia said. I'm adding our names to the text chain." Gia said, "I'll think about it" Erika said.


I've decided not to go to the party because I don't like them, and everyone at parties are gross. I also have a book to finish reading.
Wearing this ^^^^^

           Wearing this ^^^^^

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(Still Mila's POV]

I went downstairs and ate dinner with my family, which was the usually, chicken, vegetables, and rice. I honestly don't know why they don't switch up the food, because it's so annoying eating the same food you literally had like yesterday and the day before.

After I got finish I stalked Gavin's Instagram page because why not, everyone probably knows I have a crush on him. But how could you not??? Like he literally was made by a god. But you know everyone is perfect i their own ways, but this man is perfect in every way.

Just wait till next chapter to see what happens, and how Mila takes it. Obviously I'm not gonna add the ending part of the series till the end. But that's the end of this chapter, i hope you have in enjoyed the first part , THANK YOU MY BABIES IF YOJ DO LIKE THIS AND ITS LITERALLY LIKE 7 IN THE MORING AND IM WRITING THIS BUT IDC, also I'm sorry if the words are spelled wrong obviously you can probably tell I'm not checking yet but if you watched the show you will just know what I mean😉

Bye :)))

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